CANPOL Babies Take&go electric breast pump, 1 pcs.
5.0 5 (1 review)

CANPOL Babies Take&go electric breast pump, 1 pcs.

5.0 5 (1 review)
95.99 €
The Take&Go mobile electric breast pump is a wireless and quiet breast pump for every mother - convenient for expressing milk also at night.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
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The Take&Go mobile electric breast pump is a wireless and quiet breast pump for every mother - convenient for expressing milk also at night. Perfect for effective support of lactation, both after physiological delivery and caesarean section.

The Take&Go breast pump is biphasic, which means that the breast pump's operation is a reflection of the baby's natural suckling rhythm - first it stimulates and stimulates, ensuring faster flow of milk, and then it changes to a slower and deeper milk sucking mode.

The breast pump has a wide range of suction power adjustment, 9 levels of suction power in each mode, thanks to which it allows you to adjust the power to the individual needs of each mum, so that expressing milk is not painful.

The Take&Go electric breast pump is discreet and extremely quiet - only 40 decibels*, which allows you to express milk also at night without worrying about waking your baby. The charged breast pump can be taken anywhere and used wirelessly, even when you don't have a power outlet nearby. A full battery provides up to 120 minutes of cordless use (3-4 uses).The battery is charged via a USB cable, so you can also charge it via a power bank as an extra discharge protection when you are away from home.

The ergonomic shape of the funnel adapts to different breast shapes so that the milk expression process resembles the natural one. The funnel with a soft, profiled massage pad made of delicate silicone does not irritate sensitive nipples and increases comfort during milk expression. The breast pump is equipped with a clear display that informs about the mode, power level and battery charge level. The touch control panel is easy to use and remembers the last used settings. The Canpol babies Take&Go electric breast pump is made of some parts, which makes it easy to clean and assemble. All parts are free of harmful BPA (bisphenol A), which makes it completely safe for health and suitable for direct contact with food, including breast milk. The Take&Go breast pump comes with a 120ml EasyStart anti-colic bottle - as many as 90% of midwives recommend the EasyStart bottle teat. The breast pump is compatible with all Canpol babies bottles, so you can adjust the bottle capacity to the age and needs of the baby.

1145849 CANPOL Babies Take&go mobilais elektriskais piena pumpis, 1 gab. InStock 95.99 EUR CANPOL 95.99 <p>Take&amp;Go mobilais elektriskais piena pumpis ir bezvadu un kluss, piemērots ikvienai māmiņai - ērts piena atslaukšanai arī naktī. Lieliski piemērots efektīvai laktācijas atbalstam gan pēc fizioloģiskajām dzemdībām, gan pēc ķeizargrieziena.<br />Take&amp;Go krūts piena pumpis ir divfāzu, kas nozīmē, ka tā darbība ir bērna dabiskā zīdīšanas ritma atspulgs – vispirms tas stimulē, nodrošinot ātrāku piena plūsmu, bet pēc tam pāriet uz lēnāku un dziļāku piena atsūkšanas režīmu. Piena pumpim ir plašs jaudas regulēšanas diapazons, 9 jaudas līmeņi katrā režīmā, pateicoties kuriem tas ļauj pielāgot jaudu katras māmiņas individuālajām vajadzībām, lai piena atsūkšana nebūtu sāpīga.<br />Take&amp;Go elektriskais piena pumpis ir diskrēts un ārkārtīgi kluss – tikai 40 decibeli*, kas ļauj atslaukt pienu arī naktī, neuztraucoties par mazuļa pamodināšanu.<br />Uzlādētu ierīci var paņemt līdzi jebkur un izmantot bezvadu režīmā, pat ja tuvumā nav strāvas kontaktligzdas. Pilns akumulators nodrošina līdz 120 minūtēm bezvada lietošanu (3-4 lietošanas reizes). Akumulators tiek uzlādēts, izmantojot USB kabeli, tāpēc to varat uzlādēt arī, izmantojot barošanas banku kā papildu izlādes aizsardzību, kad esat prom no mājām.<br />Piltuves ergonomiskā forma pielāgojas dažādām krūšu formām, lai piena izdalīšanās process atgādinātu dabisko. Piltuve ar mīkstu, profilētu masāžas paliktni, kas izgatavots no smalka silikona, nekairina jutīgos krūšu galus un palielina komfortu piena atslaukšanas laikā. Ierīce ir aprīkota ar skaidru displeju, kas informē par režīmu, jaudas līmeni un akumulatora uzlādes līmeni. Skārienvadības panelis ir ērti lietojams un atceras pēdējos izmantotos iestatījumus.<br />Canpol babys Take&amp;Go elektriskais piena pumpis ir izgatavots no neliela detaļu skaita, kas padara to viegli tīrāmu un saliekamu. Visas detaļas nesatur kaitīgo BPA (bisfenolu A), kas padara to pilnīgi drošu veselībai un piemērotu tiešai saskarei ar pārtiku, tostarp mātes pienu.<br />Take&amp;Go piena pumpis ir aprīkots ar 120 ml EasyStart pretkoliku pudelīti - pat 90% vecmāšu iesaka EasyStart pudelītes knupīti.** Piena pumpis ir savietojams ar visām Canpol zīdaiņu pudelītēm, tāpēc pudelītes ietilpību var pielāgot vecumam. un mazuļa vajadzībām.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Māmiņām un bērniem/Preces māmiņai/Piena pumpji 0