CARSIL 22.5 mg coated tablets, 80 pcs.
Unreasonable use of medicines is harmful to health! Carefully read the instructions for use or relevant information on the package! Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about using the medicine.

CARSIL 22.5 mg coated tablets, 80 pcs.

8.14 €
Expiration date: 2026-08-30
Carsil is a medicine that contains the active substance - silymarin, which is obtained from the seeds of marjoram.
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Important information
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

Carsil is a medicine that contains the active substance - silymarin, which is obtained from the seeds of marjoram.
Carsil is used in the following cases:

  • adjunctive therapy of toxic liver damage;
  • supplementary therapy of liver steatosis (alcoholic and non-alcoholic);
  • complementary therapy of chronic, inflammatory liver diseases;
  • complex liver cirrhosis treatment;
  • prevention of liver damage in case of long-term use of drugs or alcohol, or in case of chronic intoxication (including professional).

If you do not feel better or feel worse while taking this medicine, you should consult your doctor.

Carsil contains lactose monohydrate and wheat starch

More about this product
1028403 CARSIL 22.5 mg apvalkotās tabletes, 80 gab. InStock 8.14 EUR CARSIL 8.14 <p>Carsil ir zāles, kas satur aktīvo vielu – silimarīnu, kas iegūta no mārdadža sēklām.<br />Carsil lieto sekojošos gadījumos:</p> <ul><li>toksisku aknu bojājumu papildterapija;</li> <li>aknu steatozes (alkoholiska un nealkoholiska) papildterapija;</li> <li>hronisku, iekaisīgu aknu slimību papildterapija;</li> <li>kompleksa aknu cirozes ārstēšana;</li> <li>aknu bojājumu profilakse ilgstošas zāļu vai alkohola lietošanas gadījumā, vai arī hroniskas intoksikācijas (tajā skaitā profesionālas) gadījumā.</li> </ul><p>Ja šo zāļu lietošanas laikā Jūs nejūtaties labāk vai jūtaties sliktāk, Jums jākonsultējas ar ārstu.</p> <p>Carsil satur <strong>laktozes</strong> monohidrātu un <strong>kviešu</strong> cieti</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Medikamenti/Gremošanas sistēma/Aknas un žultspūslis 0 For men Silybum marianum