DARPHIN Intral Anti-Oxidant eye cream, 15 ml
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DARPHIN Intral Anti-Oxidant eye cream, 15 ml

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Expiration date: 2027-05-30
Intral De-Puffing Anti-Oxidant Eye Cream is a gel-like cream for the delicate eye area.
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Intral De-Puffing Anti-Oxidant Eye Cream is a gel-like cream for the delicate eye area. Formulated with 74% of ingredients from natural origin such as powerful anti-oxidants Chamomile, Hawthorn and Peony, which protect skin from irritation and environmental aggressors, while visibly reducing puffiness and dark circles and providing soothing moisture.

Free from parabens, mineral oil, phthalates, formaldehyde.

Skincare benefits:

• Protects skin from irritating environmental aggressors

• Visibly reduces puffiness and dark circles

• Provides soothing moisture to the delicate eye area

Ideal For:

• Reducing dark circles, puffiness

• Reducing dryness

1149212 DARPHIN Intral Anti-Oxidant acu krēms, 15 ml https://e-menessaptieka.lv/en/p/darphin-intral-anti-oxidant-eye-cream-15ml-1149212 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/d9/05/a16269c592a0ec55d77babb075f3.png OutOfStock 32 EUR DARPHIN 63.99 <p>Intral De-Puffing Anti-Oxidant Eye Cream ir želejveida krēms maigajai acu zonai. Izstrādāts ar 74% dabīgas izcelsmes sastāvdaļu, piemēram, kumelītēm, vilkābeli un peoniju, kas aizsargā ādu no kairinājuma un vides agresoriem, vienlaikus redzami samazinot pietūkumu un tumšos lokus, nodrošinot nomierinošu mitruma līmeni.</p><p>Nesatur parabēnus, minerāleļļu, ftalātus, formaldehīdus.</p><p><br></p><p>Ādas kopšanas priekšrocības:</p><p>• Aizsargā ādu no kairinošiem vides agresoriem</p><p>• Redzami samazina pietūkumu un tumšos lokus</p><p>• Nodrošina nomierinošu mitrumu jutīgajai acu zonai</p><p><br></p><p>Ideāli piemērots:</p><p>• Samazina tumšos lokus, pietūkumu</p><p>• Samazina sausuma sajūtu</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Sejas ādas kopšana/Ādas kopšana ap acīm 50 For women, For men