DEEP RELIEF gel, 50 g
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DEEP RELIEF gel, 50 g

8.99 €
Expiration date: 2027-07-31
Deep Relief is an anesthetic gel for application to the skin.
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Deep Relief is an anesthetic gel for application to the skin. It is used to relieve acute pain and reduce inflammation of the joints and surrounding tissues caused by swelling. This gel is used for muscle and joint injuries (sports injuries) such as strains, dislocations and sprains. Deep Relief contains two active ingredients: ibuprofen belongs to a group of medicines called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which provide effective pain relief and reduce both inflammation and swelling; Levomenthol has an analgesic effect that relieves pain.

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104699 DEEP RELIEF gels, 50 g InStock 8.99 EUR DEEP RELIEF 8.99 <p style="text-align:justify;">Deep Relief ir sāpes mazinošs gels uzklāšanai uz ādas. To lieto akūtu sāpju atvieglošanai un iekaisuma mazināšanai locītavās un apkārtējos audos, kas rodas pietūkuma dēļ. Šo gelu lieto muskuļu un locītavu traumu gadījumā (sporta traumu), piemēram, sasprindzinājumu, mežģījumu un sastiepumu gadījumos. Deep Relief satur divas aktīvās vielas: ibuprofēns pieder tā sauktajai nesteroīdo pretiekaisuma zāļu grupai (NPL), kas nodrošina efektīvu sāpju mazināšanu un samazina gan iekaisumu, gan pietūkumu; levomentols nodrošina sāpes remdinošo iedarbību, kas mazina sāpes.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Medikamenti/Sāpes/Sāpes muskuļos un locītavās 0 Ibuprofenum, Pinenum