DEOMED Ice Mint deodorant, 170 ml
5.0 5 (2 reviews)

DEOMED Ice Mint deodorant, 170 ml

5.0 5 (2 reviews)
5.99 €
Expiration date: 2026-07-31
Foot deodorant - freshener.
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Important information
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

Has a long-lasting refreshing, cooling and deodorizing effect. Deomed Ice Mint foot freshener with peppermint and eucalyptus essential oils has a bactericidal and antiseptic effect, reduces foot sweating, protects against fungal diseases and unpleasant odors. Peppermint and eucalyptus essential oils provide pleasant freshness to the feet, remove fatigue, swelling, soften and soothe the skin of the feet.

1047306 DEOMED Ice Mint dezodorants, 170 ml InStock 5.99 EUR DEOMED 5.99 <p style="text-align:justify;">Piemīt ilgstošs atsvaidzinošs, atvēsinošs un dezodorējošs efekts. Kāju atsvaidzinātājs "Deomed Ice Mint" ar piparmētras un eikalipta ēteriskajām eļļām veic baktericīdu un antiseptisku iedarbību, samazina kāju svīšanu, aizsargā pret sēnīšu slimībām un nepatīkamas smakas. Piparmētras un eikalipta ēteriskās eļļas nodrošina kājām patīkamu svaigumu, noņem nogurumu, pietūkumu, mīkstina un nomierina kāju ādu.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Ķermeņa ādas kopšana/Kāju kopšana/Pret kāju svīšanu 0 For women, For men