DERMALOGICA Age Bright Clearing serum, 30 ml
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DERMALOGICA Age Bright Clearing serum, 30 ml

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98.99 €
Expiration date: 2025-12-30
This active two-in-one serum clears and helps prevent breakouts while reducing visible skin aging.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

This active two-in-one serum clears and helps prevent breakouts while reducing visible skin aging. Salicylic Acid reduces breakouts to clear skin. This highly-concentrated serum exfoliates to help prevent breakouts and accelerates cell turnover to reduce signs of skin aging. AGE Bright™ Complex works with the skin’s natural microbiome for clearer, brighter skin. Phytoactives from Resurrection Plant, known for its ability to survive extreme dehydration, hydrate and smooth skin. Niacinamide works together with White Shiitake Mushroom to promote brighter, more even skin tone.

1195906 DERMALOGICA Age Bright Clearing serums, 30 ml InStock 98.99 EUR DERMALOGICA 98.99 <p>Šis aktīvais divi-vienā serums notīra un palīdz novērst komedonus, vienlaikus samazinot redzamo ādas novecošanos. Salicilskābe samazina komedonus, lai padarītu ādu tīru. Šis ļoti koncentrētais serums eksfoliē, lai palīdzētu novērst komedonus un paātrina šūnu atjaunošanu, lai mazinātu ādas novecošanās pazīmes. AGE Bright ™ komplekss darbojas ar dabisko ādas mikrobiomu, lai āda būtu tīrāka un gaišāka. Fitoaktīvi no Resurrection auga, kas pazīstami ar savu spēju izdzīvot ārkārtēju dehidratāciju, mitrina un padara ādu gludu. Niacinamīds darbojas kopā ar White Shiitake sēni, lai veicinātu gaišāku, vienmērīgāku ādas toni.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Sejas ādas kopšana/Papildus sejas ādas kopšana/Serumi 0 For women