DERMALOGICA Circular Hydration serum, 30 ml
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DERMALOGICA Circular Hydration serum, 30 ml

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86.99 €
Expiration date: 2027-11-30
The hyaluronic acid in the hydrating serum penetrates the skin to deeply hydrate it.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
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The hyaluronic acid in the hydrating serum penetrates the skin to deeply hydrate it. Kick-start skin moisturizing cycle: immediately deeply hydrates the skin, replenishes it from the inside and helps prevent further moisture loss. The full-cycle moisturizing serum is enriched with an advanced form of hyaluronic acid, which penetrates the skin and deeply moisturizes it, making it supple and radiant. The moisturizing matrix infused with algae extract provides quick and long-lasting hydration. Polyglutamic acid from fermented soy replenishes the skin's moisture reserves from within. A blend of plant sugars and amino acids, similar to those found naturally in the skin, holds water on the skin's surface to help prevent further moisture evaporation. A postbiotic blend of lactobacillus enzyme and Avena extract helps balance the skin's microbiome.

1195899 DERMALOGICA Circular Hydration serums, 30 ml InStock 86.99 EUR DERMALOGICA 86.99 <p>Mitrinošajā serumā esošā hialuronskābe iekļūst ādā, lai to dziļi mitrinātu. Kick-start ādu mitrinošais cikls: nekavējoties dziļi mitrina ādu, piepilda no iekšpuses un palīdz novērst turpmāku mitruma zudumu. Pilna cikla mitrinošais serums bagātināts ar uzlabotu hiluronskābes formu, kas iekļūst ādā un dziļi to mitrina, padarot elastīgu, starojošu. Aļģu ekstrakta ievadītā mitrinošā matrica nodrošina ātru un ilgstoši noturīgu mitrināšanu. Poliglutamīnskābe no fermentētas sojas papildina ādas mitrināšanas rezerves no iekšpuses. Augu cukura un aminoskābju maisījums, kas ir līdzīgs tiem, kas dabiski atrodas ādā, aiztur ūdeni uz ādas virsmas, lai palīdzētu novērst turpmāku mitruma iztvaikošanu. Laktobaktēriju fermenta un Avena ekstrakta postbiotisks maisījums palīdz līdzsvarot ādas mikrobiomu.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Sejas ādas kopšana/Papildus sejas ādas kopšana/Serumi 0 For women, For men