DERMALOGICA Clear Start Micro-Pore spray, 118 ml
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DERMALOGICA Clear Start Micro-Pore spray, 118 ml

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33.99 €
Expiration date: 2027-09-30
Finally, a mist that can do it all: minimize visible pores, reduce excess oil, and help diminish the appearance of post-breakout marks.
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Important information
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

Finally, a mist that can do it all: minimize visible pores, reduce excess oil, and help diminish the appearance of post-breakout marks. Formulated with niacinamide. and an antioxidant-rich blend, from the first spritz, get smaller pores by the time you walk out the door. Gentle enough to be used throughout the day for a pick-me-up whenever you need! This bottle is made from 50% recycled plastic, so your conscience can feel as clear as your skin does.

1001555 DERMALOGICA Clear Start Micro-Pore sprejs, 118 ml InStock 33.99 EUR DERMALOGICA 33.99 <p>Beidzot, izsmidzināmais kas spēj daudz: samazināt poras, sebumu un palīdzēt mazināt pēc-izsitumu pazīmju izskatu. Formulēts ar niacinamīdu un antioksidantiem bagātu maisījumu, iegūsti mazākas poras jau no pirmās lietošanas reizes. Pietiekami maigs, lai to izmantotu visas dienas garumā, kad vien nepieciešams! Šī pudele ir izgatavota no 50% pārstrādātas plastmasas, lai jūsu sirdsapziņa varētu justies tikpat tīra, kā jūsu āda. Izsmidzināt uz attīrītas seja ādas no rīta un vakarā, vai pēc nepieciešamības, visas dienas garumā.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Sejas ādas kopšana/Attīrīšana un tonizēšana 0 For women, For men