DEXERYL Emollient cream, 250 g
5.0 5 (14 reviews)

DEXERYL Emollient cream, 250 g

5.0 5 (14 reviews)
7.49 €
Expiration date: 2026-06-30
Medical Device. As a skin protection cream for the treatment of signs and symptoms of skin dryness (xerosis) especially in various skin diseases (such as atopic dermatitis, Ichthyosis…) and erythema induced by radiotherapy.
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Important information
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

Medical Device
What DEXERYL® cream contains
Glycerol, white soft paraffin, liquid paraffin, glycerol monostearate, stearic acid, dimethicone, macrogol 600, trolamin, acrylamide/acryloyldimethyl taurate copolymer, isohexadecane, polysorbate, pentylene glycol, ethylhexylglycerin, carbomer, purified water.
Tubes of 250 g and 50 g.
What DEXERYL® cream is used for
- As a skin protection cream for the treatment of signs and symptoms of skin dryness (xerosis) especially in various skin diseases (such as atopic dermatitis, Ichthyosis…) and erythema induced by radiotherapy.
From birth.
How DEXERYL® cream acts on the skin
DEXERYL® cream is formulated for the treatment of signs and symptoms of skin dryness (xerosis):

- The filmogenic effect of white soft paraffin and liquid paraffin which:

  • physically inhibits evaporation thus preventing dehydration (water loss),
  • has a barrier effect against external damage;

- In addition, the hydrating effect of glycerol helps to maintain the balance of moisture in the skin.
Thanks to its formulation, DEXERYL® cream also reduces and helps to prevent irritation.

When not to use DEXERYL® cream
Do not apply if you are allergic to any of the ingredients.
Considering the lack of relevant information, it is preferable not to use the cream in conjunction with other topically applied products. If in any doubt, ask a health professional for advice.
Warnings and special instructions for use

  • Do not apply on wounds, mucous membranes and eyes.
  • Do not swallow.
  • Keep out of the reach of children.

Tell your health professional about any undesirable side effects.
If you have reason to believe that a serious incident occurred linked to the use of this product, please report it to your national authority and to the manufacturer.
Special precautions for storage:
Do not store above 30 °C. Do not use after the expiry date shown on the tube. Once opened, use within 6 months.

1146114 DEXERYL Emollient krēms, 250 g InStock 7.49 EUR DEXERYL 12.49 <p>Kas ietilpst krēma „Dexeryl”® sastāvā: Glicerīns, baltais mīkstais parafīns, šķidrais parafīns, glicerīna monostearāts, stearīnskābe, dimetikons, makrogols 600, trolamīns, akrilamīda/akriloildimetiltaurāta kopolimērs, izoheksadekāns, polisorbāts, pentilēnglikols, etilheksilglicerīns, karbomērs un attīrīts ūdens.</p> <p>Kādā nolūkā lieto krēmu „Dexeryl”® To izmanto par ādas aizsargkrēmu ādas sausuma (kserozes) pazīmju un simptomu ārstēšanai, it sevišķi dažādu ādas slimību (piemēram, atopiskā dermatīta, ihtiozes) un staru terapijas izraisītas eritēmas gadījumā.</p> <p>No dzimšanas.<br />Kā krēms „Dexeryl”® iedarbojas uz ādu:<br />Krēms „Dexeryl”® ir izstrādāts ādas sausuma (kserozes) pazīmju un simptomu ārstēšanai.<br />Baltais mīkstais un šķidrais parafīns veido noslēdzošu plēvīti, kas:</p> <ul><li> fiziski kavē iztvaikošanu, tādējādi novēršot dehidratāciju (ūdens zudumu);</li> <li>norobežo no ārējiem bojājumiem.</li> </ul><p>Turklāt glicerīna mitrinošā iedarbība palīdz uzturēt ādas mitruma līdzsvaru. Tāpat krēma „Dexeryl”® sastāvs mazina iekaisumu un palīdz pasargāt no tā.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Ķermeņa ādas kopšana/Dermatoloģiskie līdzekļi 40 For women, For men