DR.TEREŠKO FM loose tea, 60 g
5.0 5 (6 reviews)

DR.TEREŠKO FM loose tea, 60 g

5.0 5 (6 reviews)
5.29 €
Expiration date: 2026-10-16
Contains plants that prevent the development of fibroids and mastopathy.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

The tea contains the leaves of Knotweed, which prevent uterine bleeding, which occurs in various gynecological diseases, as well as heavy menstrual bleeding, which is most often caused by fibroids.
Strawberry leaves and especially the roots also reduce uterine bleeding and prevent the development of fibroids.
Elecampane root improves the overall health of the body and promotes its return to a wellness program, in which there is no place for the nodes of the breast and uterus.
The leaves of the cuff help to stabilize the hormonal level in the female body, prevent disharmony, which underlies the development of fibroids and mastopathy.
Yarrow has anti-tumor activity and reduces any bleeding.
Nettle leaves help to slow the growth of nodes and limit them, eliminate possible bleeding and anemia.
Angelica root eliminates spasms and pains, strengthens the immune system, and reduces sleep disturbances.
Shepherd's purse leaves have a pressure-reducing effect, improve blood flow to the uterus, and eliminate digestive disorders.
Barberry leaves lower blood pressure, if it is high, promote the secretion of bile and eliminate digestive disorders, as well as regulate the work of the heart, and reduce inflammation caused by microbes and fungi.

1202458 DR.TEREŠKO FM beramā tēja, 60 g https://e-menessaptieka.lv/en/p/dr-teresko-fm-loose-tea-60-g-1202458 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/1e/55/4520386f2ec9b73b66c781ed659e.png InStock 5.29 EUR DR.TEREŠKO 5.29 <p style="text-align:justify;">Tējas sastāvā ir maura sūrenes laksti, kas novērš asiņošanu no dzemdes, pie dažādām ginekoloģiskām saslimšanām, arī pie stipras menstruālas asiņošanas, kas parasti notiek fibromiomas gadījumā. Zemenes lapas mazina asiņošanu no dzemdes un kavē fibromiomas attīstību (īpaši, saknes). Alantes sakne uzlabo vispārējo organisma veselību un liek organismam atgriezties pie veselības programmas, kur mezgliem dzemdē un krūtīs vieta nav paredzēta. Raspodiņa laksti veicina hormonālā līmeņa stabilizēšanu sievietes organismā, novēršot disharmoniju kā pamatu fibromiomas un mastopātijas attīstībai. Pelašķa lakstiem piemīt pretaudzēju aktivitāte, tas samazina arī jebkāda veida asiņošanu. Nātres laksti palīdz mazināt mezglu augšanas ātrumu un norobežot tos, novērst iespējamu asiņošanu un mazasinību. Dižzirdzenes saknes novērš spazmas un sāpes, stiprina vispārējo imunitāti, mazina miega traucējumus. Ganu plikstiņa lakstu darbība ir asinsspiedienu mazinoša, tie uzlabo dzemdes apasiņošanu, novērš gremošanas traucējumus. Bārbeles lapas pazemina asinsspiedienu, ja tas ir paaugstināts, sekmē žults izdalīšanos un novērš gremošanas traucējumus, palēnina sirdsdarbību, mazina mikrobu un sēnīšu radītos iekaisumus.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Vitamīni un minerālvielas/Tējas un pārtika/Zāļu tējas 0