DR.TEREŠKO Vairogs loose tea, 72 g
4.7 4.7 (6 reviews)

DR.TEREŠKO Vairogs loose tea, 72 g

4.7 4.7 (6 reviews)
5.29 €
Expiration date: 2026-11-14
Contains plants that stimulate the body's immunity to protect against malignant neoplasms, helping to overcome the difficulties of chemotherapy.
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Important information
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

Contains plants that stimulate the body's immunity to protect against malignant neoplasms, helping to overcome the difficulties of chemotherapy.
In life, it happens that most often people who have already undergone chemotherapy come to a physiotherapist. The condition of these patients is, to put it mildly, critical, tk. they suffer from the side effects of chemotherapy. To help these people, firstly, they themselves need to tell what happened to them, what processes are taking place in the body. This is necessary at least in order for them to follow the doctor's prescriptions. It's worth starting with a terrifying narrative.

19111109 DR.TEREŠKO Vairogs beramā tēja, 72 g https://e-menessaptieka.lv/en/p/dr-teresko-vairogs-loose-tea-72-g-19111109 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/1a/90/c2c8af7c2740448a3a31cba5b377.png InStock 5.29 EUR DR.TEREŠKO 5.29 <p style="text-align:justify;">Satur augus, kas stimulē organisma imunitāti aizsardzībai pret ļaundabīgām saslimšanām un augus, kas palīdz pārvarēt ķīmijterapijas radītos veselības traucējumus. Vārnkājas laksti - imūnmodulējoša darbība, aizkavē metastāžu veidošanos; Māllēpes lapas - stiprina nespecifisko imunitāti; Ehinacejas laksti - imūnmodulējoša darbība; Nātres laksti – imūnmodulējoša darbība; Kosas laksti - satur silīcija un cinka savienojumus; Kaķpēdiņas ziedI - antihipoksiska darbība, aizsargā aknu šūnas; Kliņģerītes ziedi - antihipoksiska darbība; Vīgriezes ziedi un trejdaivu sunīša laksti darbojas antioksidatīvi; Bērza lapas, miza -uzlabo nieru un aknu darbību; Asinszāles laksti - veicina asins tīrīšanu; Pienenes saknes - adaptogēns, veicina gremošanu; Mārdadža lapas - aizsargā aknas, veicina atindēšanos; Cigoriņa saknes - aizsargā aknas.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Vitamīni un minerālvielas/Tējas un pārtika/Zāļu tējas 0