DSD DE LUXE Fresh Cells Wondercell 3.4.3A lotion, 1 pcs.
5.0 5 (4 reviews)

DSD DE LUXE Fresh Cells Wondercell 3.4.3A lotion, 1 pcs.

5.0 5 (4 reviews)
Expiration date: 2028-07-30
Two-component hair growth lotion 50 ml + 10 ml.
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Important information
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

The lotion has a beneficial effect on hair growth. The product consists of two parts, lotion and concentrate, which, when mixed, provide a synergistic effect. The lotion contains a high concentration of placenta extract, a fat- and water-soluble vitamin complex, vasodilating agents and the well-known natural antiandrogen Saw Palmetto. The concentrate contains CEGABA, a new hair growth stimulant (derived from carboxyethyl-gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, a natural metabolite with growth factor properties). Combined with saw palmetto, apple stem cells, antioxidants, vitamins and mineral complexes, placenta and soy proteins, Fresh Cells lotion has a pronounced effect on hair growth even with very severe forms of alopecia. The package contains two products - Fresh Cells De Luxe lotion and Fresh Cells De Luxe concentrate. Both drugs must be mixed before first use.

204174 DSD DE LUXE Fresh Cells Wondercell 3.4.3A losjons, 1 gab. https://e-menessaptieka.lv/en/p/dsd-de-luxe-fresh-cells-wondercell-3-4-3a-lotion-1-pcs-204174 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/5b/2f/5cdb932c22da525b4aa746065753.png OutOfStock 45.49 EUR DSD DE LUXE 45.49 <p style="text-align:justify;">Losjonam piemīt labvēlīga ietekme uz matu augšanu. Produkts sastāv no divām vienībām, losjona un koncentrāta, kuri sajaucoties nodrošina sinerģisku efektu. Losjons satur augstu placentas ekstrakta koncentrāciju, taukos un ūdenī šķīstošo vitamīnu kompleksu, vasodilatējošus aģentus un plaši pazīstamo dabīgo antiandrogēnu Saw Palmetto. Koncentrāts satur CEGABA, kas ir jauns matu augšanu stimulējošs aģents (atvasināts no Carboxyethyl-gamma-hydroxy-butyric skābes, kas ir dabisks metabolīts ar augšanas faktoru īpašībām). Kombinācijā ar palmetto, ābolu cilmes šūnām, antioksidantiem, vitamīniem un minerālvielu kompleksu, placentas un sojas proteīniem, Fresh Cells losjons panāk izteiktu efektu uz matu augšanu pat ļoti smagu alopēcijas formu gadījumā. Iepakojums satur divus preperātus – Fresh Cells De Luxe Losjonu un Fresh Cells De Luxe Koncentrātu. Abi šie preperāti ir jāsajauc pirms pirmās lietošanas.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Matu kopšana/Serumi, losjoni un matu eļļas 0 For women, For men