DSD DE LUXE SCIENCE-7 3.4.5 B lotion, 35 ml
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DSD DE LUXE SCIENCE-7 3.4.5 B lotion, 35 ml

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Expiration date: 2026-03-01
Lotion to stimulate hair growth.
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Important information
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

The lotion contains base and essential oils. Jojoba oil gives hair shine and softens it, has a regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect. Grape seed oil has emollient and moisturizing properties. Lavender essential oil promotes hair growth and accelerates wound healing, helps to strengthen and restore hair; regulates sebum production and controls dandruff. Thyme essential oil is very effective in promoting hair growth and preventing hair loss. Cedarwood essential oil stops hair loss, especially when it is associated with stress. It is an excellent aromatherapy essential oil that balances the oiliness of the scalp and helps against dandruff. Rosemary essential oil reduces oil secretion, prevents dandruff and stimulates hair growth. Essential oils Science -7 de Luxe are recommended for the treatment of focal hair loss.

204157 DSD DE LUXE SCIENCE-7 3.4.5 B losjons, 35 ml https://e-menessaptieka.lv/en/p/dsd-de-luxe-science-7-3-4-5-b-lotion-35-ml-204157 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/5a/0d/f813afa8abb8d0212ea18d595b6e.png OutOfStock 44.99 EUR DSD DE LUXE 44.99 <p style="text-align:justify;">Losjona sastāvā ietilpst bāzes un ēteriskās eļļas. Hohoba eļļa piešķir matiem spīdumu un mīkstina tos, nodrošina reģeneratīvus un pretblaugznu efektus. Vīnogu kauliņu eļļai piemīt emolientas un mitrinošas īpašības. Lavandas ēteriskā eļļa veicina matu augšanu un paātrina brūču dzīšanu, palīdz stiprināt un atjaunot matus; regulē sebuma produkciju un kontrolē blaugznu rašanos. Timiāna ēteriskā eļļa ļoti iedarbīgi veicina matu augšanu un aizkavē matu izkrišanu. Ciedru ēteriskā eļļa aptur matu izkrišanu, īpaši gadījumos, kad tā saistīta ar stresu. Tā ir izcila aromaterapijas ēteriskā eļļa, kas līdzsvaro ādas un skalpa taukošanos, un palīdz pret blaugznām. Rozmarīna ēteriskā eļļa samazina tauku sekrēciju, aizkavē blaugznas un stimulē matu augšanu. Science-7 de Luxe Essencial Oils rekomendē perēkļveida matu izkrišanas gadījumu ārstēšanai.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Matu kopšana/Serumi, losjoni un matu eļļas 0 For men