EQUAZEN Liquid Vanilla liquid, 200 ml

EQUAZEN Liquid Vanilla liquid, 200 ml

22.59 €
Expiration date: 2026-12-31
Optimal combination of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. With natural vanilla aroma.
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Important information
Food supplement!
Food supplement! A food supplement is not a substitute for a balanced healthy diet.
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

Dietary supplement

Optimal combination of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. With natural vanilla aroma.

For children from 12 years of age and adults.

Useful information.
Essential fatty acids are lipids that the human body does not produce on its own, so they must be obtained through food. Therefore, they are labeled as irreplaceable.
Fish and evening primrose oils are a natural source of omega-3 (EPS and DHS) and omega-6 (GLS) fatty acids. EQUAZEN® is designed to supplement your daily diet with these fatty acids.

Derived from nature, designed by experts.
"EQUAZEN®" is a dietary supplement with a special combination of various high-quality fatty acids, made from responsibly sourced fish oil and evening primrose oil. Fish oil is produced from sustainably sourced fish resources - sardines, anchovies and mackerel, which naturally contain a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids. The fish oil in the composition has been certified by the international organization "Friend Of the Sea" (FOS), which actively promotes certified marine products obtained by sustainable methods all over the world. It is made in Norway and its high quality is constantly ensured.

"EQUAZEN® liquid" is a liquid nutritional supplement whose special combination of omega-3 (EPS and DHS) and omega-6 (GLS) ensures a balanced intake of fatty acids.

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10510527 EQUAZEN Liquid Vanilla šķidrums, 200 ml https://e-menessaptieka.lv/en/p/equazen-liquid-vanilla-liquid-200-ml-10510527 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/59/52/c8ef626d4514af90d73473288427.png InStock 22.59 EUR EQUAZEN 22.59 <p>Uztura bagātinātājs</p> <p><strong>Optimāla omega-3 un omega-6 taukskābju kombinācija. Ar dabīgu vaniļas aromātu.</strong></p> <p>Bērniem no 12 gadu vecuma un pieaugušajiem.</p> <p><strong>Noderīga informācija.</strong></p> <p>Neaizvietojamās taukskābes ir lipīdi, ko cilvēka ķermenis pats neražo, tāpēc tās ir jāuzņem ar pārtiku. Tāpēc tās tiek apzīmētas kā neaizvietojamās.</p> <p>Zivju un naktssveces eļļas ir dabīgs omega-3 (EPS un DHS) un omega-6 (GLS) taukskābju avots. „EQUAZEN<strong><i>®</i></strong>“ ir izveidots tā, lai papildinātu ikdienas uzturu ar šīm taukskābēm.</p> <p><strong>No dabas iegūts, ekspertu veidots.</strong></p> <p>„EQUAZEN<strong><i>®</i></strong> “ ir uztura bagātinātājs ar īpašu dažādu augstas kvalitātes taukskābju kombināciju, kas veidots no atbildīgi iegūtas zivju eļļas un naktssveces eļļas. Zivju eļļa tiek ražota no ar ilgtspējīgām metodēm iegūtiem zivju resursiem- sardīnēm, anšoviem un skumbrijām, kas dabīgi satur lielu daudzumu omega-3 taukskābju. Sastāvā esošo zivju eļļu ir sertificējusi starptautiskā organizācija „Friend Of the Sea” (FOS), kas visā pasaulē aktīvi popularizē sertificētus, ar ilgtspējīgām metodēm iegūtus jūras produktus. Tā ir ražota Norvēģijā un pastāvīgi tiek nodrošināta tās augsta kvalitāte.</p> <p>„EQUAZEN<strong><i>®</i></strong> liquid“ ir šķidrs uztura bagātinātājs, kura īpašā omega-3 (EPS un DHS) un omega-6 (GLS) kombinācija nodrošina sabalansētu taukskābju uzņemšanu.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Vitamīni un minerālvielas/Vitamīni ģimenei/Bērniem 0 For men