ESI Bio Collagenix Collagen drink 30 ml bottles, 10 pcs.
ESI Bio Collagenix Collagen drink 30 ml bottles, 10 pcs.
33.59 €
41.99 €
Regular price: 41.99 €
41.99 €
Expiration date: 2026-01-31
Food supplement based on a highly purified high dose (5000 mg) per drink of Hydrolyzed Marine Collagen type I & III (from FISH)
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Food supplement!
Food supplement! A food supplement is not a substitute for a balanced healthy diet.
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies
Food supplement based on a highly purified high dose (5000 mg) per drink of Hydrolyzed Marine Collagen type I & III (from FISH), Hyaluronic acid, Resveratrol, Bilberry concentrated juice, Vitamin C, Copper and Zinc. All of which contribute to the maintenance and restoration of a healthy young skin.
Based on a study conducted by the Italian ESI laboratories on 70 women aged between 45 & 65 years old for a period of 20 days, it was found that the BIOCOLLAGENIX Drink increases the thickness of the skin by 22.22%. It also improves the hydration, strength, freshness and elasticity of the skin.
More about this product
ESI Bio Collagenix Collagen drink 30 ml pudelītes, 10 gab.
<p>Uztura bagātinātājs, kura pamatā ir ļoti attīrīta liela deva (5000 mg) vienai devai no I un III tipa hidrolizēta jūras kolagēna (no FISH), hialuronskābes, resveratrola, melleņu koncentrētas sulas, C vitamīna, vara un cinka. Tas viss veicina veselīgas, jauneklīgas ādas uzturēšanu un atjaunošanu.</p>
<p>Balstoties uz Itālijas ESI laboratoriju veikto pētījumu, kurā piedalījās 70 sievietes vecumā no 45 līdz 65 gadiem 20 dienu laikā, tika konstatēts, ka BIOCOLLAGENIX dzēriens palielina ādas biezumu par 22,22%. Tas arī uzlabo ādas mitrināšanu, izturību, svaigumu un elastību.</p>
Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Vitamīni un minerālvielas/Minerālvielu kompleksi/Kolagēns
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