ESI Bio Collagenix Hydrogel facial mask, 2 pcs.
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ESI Bio Collagenix Hydrogel facial mask, 2 pcs.

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17.99 €
Expiration date: 2026-07-31
Quick and effective help for tired skin here and now.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
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Quick and effective help for tired skin here and now. Hydrogel sheet masks with marine (type I and III) collagen, hyaluronic acid, resveratrol, allantoin.

Unique properties of hydrogel:

  • protects the essence from evaporation – the substance enters the skin directly
  • fits close to the skin
  • becomes thinner as it dries.

Marine Collagen – “Fish” collagen (extracted from the skin of expensive marine fish, usually flatfish) is similar in composition to that produced by the human body and is well absorbed. Used to it, it promotes skin functions.

Hyaluronic Acid - Among all its properties, hyaluronic acid has the ability to retain large amounts of water. It can contain a mass of water a thousand times its own mass. Hyaluronic acid becomes the most important substance that provides moisture to the skin and other tissues. Sufficient moisture ensures vitality, elasticity and youth.

Resveratrol is a phenol found in several plant species.

1164244 ESI Bio Collagenix Hydrogel sejas maska, 2 gab. InStock 17.99 EUR ESI 17.99 <p>Ātra un efektīva palīdzība nogurušai ādai šeit un tagad. Hidrogela loksnes maskas ar jūras (I un III tipa) kolagēnu, hialuronskābi, resveratrolu, alantoīnu.</p> <div> <p>Unikālās hidrogela īpašības:</p> <ul><li>pasargā esenci no iztvaikošanas – viela nonāk tieši ādā</li> <li>piekļaujas ādai</li> <li>žūstot kļūst plānāka</li> </ul><p>Jūras kolagēns – “zivju” kolagēns (iegūts no dārgu jūras zivju, parasti platlapju, ādas), pēc sava sastāva līdzīgs cilvēka ķermeņa ražotajam, tas labi uzsūcas. </p> <p>Hialuronskābe - starp visām tā īpašībām hialuronskābei piemīt īpašība aizturēt lielu daudzumu ūdens. Tas var saturēt ūdens masu, kas tūkstoš reižu lielāka par savu masu. Hialuronskābe kļūst par vissvarīgāko vielu, kas nodrošina mitrumu ādai un citiem audiem. Pietiekams mitrums nodrošina dzīvīgumu, elastīgumu un jaunību.</p> <p>Resveratrols - ir fenols, kas atrodams vairākās augu sugās.</p> </div> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Sejas ādas kopšana/Papildus sejas ādas kopšana/Maskas 0 For women