EUCERIN Atopi Control lotion, 400 ml
(5 reviews)

EUCERIN Atopi Control lotion, 400 ml
(5 reviews)
19.79 €
4.95 €/Ml
32.99 €
8.25 €/Ml
Regular price: 32.99 €
32.99 €
Expiration date: 2029-12-31
The AtopiControl Calming Hydro-Lotion is a fragrance-free, daily-use basic care, that relieves itch immediately, provides 48h moisture and regenerate the skin barrier. The ultra-light formula absorbs in 60 seconds and cools the skin.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies
Atopic skin is dry, irritable and itchy. This itchiness induces scratching which triggers the itch-scratch cycle. Symptoms worsen and can get in the way of a good night’s sleep and have a negative impact on quality of life. Eucerin AtopiControl Calming Hydro-Lotion is a daily-use body care that has been specially formulated to soothe and intensely moisturize irritated and itchy skin. Its combination of Licochalcone A, Hyaluronic Acid and Ceramides offers fast-acting relief, soothes itchy, eczema-prone skin, and provides long-lasting skin comfort. With regular application, the skin condition noticeably improves with more softness and a smooth feel. The ultra-light, fast-absorbing texture is non-sticky and easy to apply, also in summertime as well as on hairy body parts. Fragrance-free, Eucerin AtopiControl Calming Hydro-Lotion can be used in combination with other Eucerin AtopiControl products and is suitable for adults and children.
EUCERIN Atopi Control losjons, 400 ml
<p>Atopiska āda ir sausa, jutīga un niezoša. Šī nieze ierosina kasīšanos, kas izraisa niezes-kasīšanās ciklu. Simptomi pasliktinās un var traucēt labu nakts miegu un negatīvi ietekmēt dzīves kvalitāti.</p><p>Eucerin AtopiControl nomierinošais un mitrinošais losjons ir paredzēts ikdienas lietošanai. Tas ir īpaši izstrādāts, lai nomierinātu un intensīvi mitrinātu kairinātu un niezošu ādu. Likohalkona A, hialuronskābes un keramīdu kombinācija sniedz tūlītēju atvieglojumu, nomierina niezošu ādu ar noslieci uz ekzēmu un nodrošina ilgstošu ādas komfortu. Lietojot regulāri, ādas stāvoklis ievērojami uzlabojas — tā kļūst mīkstāka un gludāka.</p><p>Losjonam piemīt īpaši viegla tekstūra, kas ātri iesūcas, nav lipīga un viegli klājas uz ādas, pat vasarā un uz apmatotām ķermeņa zonām.</p><p>Eucerin AtopiControl nomierinošais un mitrinošais losjons ir bez smaržas , to var lietot kopā ar citiem Eucerin AtopiControl produktiem, un tas ir piemērots pieaugušajiem un bērniem.</p>
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