EUCERIN Sun Oil Control Dry Touch SPF30 sunscreen, 200 ml

EUCERIN Sun Oil Control Dry Touch SPF30 sunscreen, 200 ml
(7 reviews)
19.79 €
9.90 €/Ml
32.99 €
16.50 €/Ml
Regular price: 32.99 €
32.99 €
Expiration date: 2027-04-30
Eucerin Sun Spray Oil Control Transparent SPF 30 protects oily and acne prone skin from sun-induced skin damage with Advanced Spectral Technology and HEVIS light defense for high UV protection.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies
- Eucerin Sun Spray Transparent Sensitive Protect SPF 30 is a sunscreen spray for the body that soothes and protects sensitive skin including acne-prone skin.
UV light is the main cause of sun-induced skin damage, but high-energy visible (HEVIS) light can also induce free radicals that cause further stress to skin.
The Advanced Spectral Technology combines broadband and photostable UVA and UVB filters1 for high UV protection with Licochalcone A to neutralize free radicals caused by UV and HEVIS light.
The transparent and non-greasy spray absorbs quickly and is water-resistant. Eucerin Sun Spray Transparent Sensitive Protect SPF 50 is clinically and dermatologically proven to be suitable for sensitive skin including acne-prone skin.
(1) Meeting the high standards for UVA and UVB protection defined by Cosmetics Europe. The levels of UVA protection are higher than the EU recommendation.
EUCERIN Sun Oil Control Dry Touch SPF30 izsmidzināms saules aizsarglīdzeklis, 200 ml
<p style="font-weight:400;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: docs-Calibri; font-size: 15px; white-space-collapse: preserve;">Augsta aizsardzība no saules starojuma
- Progresīva Spektrālā tehnoloģija: aizsardzība pret UVA/UVB starojumu un HEVIS gaismu
- Jutīgai ādai, tostarp ādai ar noslieci uz akni
UV stari ir saules izraisītu ādas bojājumu galvenais iemesls, bet arī augstas enerģijas redzamā (HEVIS) gaisma var rosināt brīvo radikāļu iedarbību, kas ādai izraisa papildu stresu.
Eucerin Sun Oil Control Dry Touch SPF30 ir izsmidzināms saules aizsarglīdzeklis ķermenim, kas nomierina un aizsargā jutīgu ādu, tostarp ādu ar noslieci uz akni.
Progresīvā Spektrālā tehnoloģija apvieno plaša spektra un fotostabilus UVA/UVB filtrus augstai aizsardzībai pret UV starojumu ar likohalkonu A, lai neitralizētu UVA un HEVIS gaismas radītos brīvos radikāļus.¹
Caurspīdīgais un netaukainais līdzeklis ātri uzsūcas un ir ūdens noturīgs.
Eucerin Sun Oil Control Dry Touch saules aizsarglīdzeklis ar SPF30 ir klīniski un dermatoloģiski pierādīts kā piemērots jutīgai ādai, tostarp ādai ar noslieci uz akni.
¹ Atbilst Cosmetics Europe noteiktajiem augstajiem standartiem aizsardzībai pret UVA un UVB starojumu. UVA starojuma aizsardzības līmenis pārsniedz ES ieteikumu.
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