EUCERIN UreaRepair PLUS lotion, 400 ml
4.8 4.8 (22 reviews)

EUCERIN UreaRepair PLUS lotion, 400 ml

4.8 4.8 (22 reviews)
15.56 €
Expiration date: 2027-03-31
Body lotion for very dry, rough skin.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

When the skin on our bodies has a stable barrier function, it protects us from external irritants and is able to maintain its optimal level of hydration. But when that barrier is impaired, skin can lose moisture and look and feel dry as a result.

Eucerin UreaRepair PLUS 10% Urea Lotion gives very dry, rough body skin the daily care it needs. It contains a unique combination of ingredients – Urea, Ceramide and other Natural Moisturizing Factors (NMFs) – which bind moisture in and repair skin´s natural protective barrier to prevent further moisture loss. The formula has been clinically and dermatologically proven to deliver immediate relief and intense, long-lasting moisturization, delaying dryness and roughness for up to 48 hours. Skin is intensely moisturized and looks and feels smooth and supple again.

1059780 EUCERIN UreaRepair PLUS losjons, 400 ml InStock 15.56 EUR EUCERIN 28.29 <p style="text-align:justify;">Ļoti sausa āda var niezēt un lobīties, tā var būt savilkta, apsārtusi un raupja. Sausa āda nespēj pietiekami efektīvi piesaistīt mitrumu un novērst mitruma zudumu. Eucerin UreaRepair PLUS losjons ar 10 % urea nodrošina īpaši sausai, niezošai un plēkšņainai ādai nepieciešamo ikdienas kopšanu.</p> <p style="text-align:justify;">Losjons satur urea, keramīdus un citus dabīgos mitrinošos faktorus (NMF), kas piesaista mitrumu un atjauno ādas dabīgo aizsargbarjeru, lai novērstu turpmāku mitruma zudumu.</p> <p style="text-align:justify;">Klīniskos pētījumos ir pierādīts, ka Eucerin UreaRepair PLUS losjons ar 10 % urea nekavējoties nomierina un intensīvi mitrina ādu, līdz pat 48 stundām aizkavējot ļoti sausas un īpaši sausas ādas simptomu atkārtotu parādīšanos. Āda ir gluda un elastīga.</p> <p style="text-align:justify;">Losjons ir piemērots ādas kopšanai kserozes, keratozes (Keratosis Pilaris), diabēta un psoriāzes gadījumā. To var lietot arī ādas papildu kopšanai ārstēšanās laikā.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Ķermeņa ādas kopšana/Krēmi, losjoni un eļļas 45 For women, For men