EUCERIN Volume-Filler Day SPF15 face cream, 50 ml
4.9 4.9 (11 reviews)

EUCERIN Volume-Filler Day SPF15 face cream, 50 ml

4.9 4.9 (11 reviews)
28.67 €
57.34 €/Ml
Regular price: 47.79 €
47.79 €
Expiration date: 2026-08-31
Anti-wrinkle day cream for dry skin.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

The day cream to restore the contour of the face contains UV protection factor 15, which protects the skin from premature aging.

Eucerin Volume-Filler Day Cream for Face Contouring contains three active ingredients that act on specific layers of the skin to affect the factors that lead to sagging skin, a blurred face contour and reduced skin volume. Naturally sourced magnolol increases the size and number of bulking cells. Thereafter, the oligopeptides isolated from the anise aid in collagen regeneration. Hyaluronic acid increases the moisture content of the skin's surface and reduces the formation of wrinkles. Eucerin® stands for over 100 years of dermatological research making Eucerin synonymous with excellence, innovation and performance. Today Eucerin is one of the world's leading dermocosmetic brands, approved by dermatologists and pharmacists. The efficacy of Eucerin products has been proven in numerous laboratory and clinical studies.

1058658 EUCERIN Volume-Filler Day SPF15 sejas krēms, 50 ml InStock 47.79 EUR EUCERIN 47.79 <p style="text-align:justify;">EUCERIN® VOLUME-FILLER dienas krēms sausai ādai atjauno ādas blīvumu. SPF15+UVA aizsardzība. Laika gaitā āda zaudē blīvumu un tvirtumu un sejas kontūras kļūst mazāk izteiktas. Inovācija: EUCERIN® VOLUME-FILLER apvieno 3 aktīvās sastāvdaļas, kas iedarbojas specifiskos ādas slāņos:</p> <ol><li style="text-align:justify;">Ыevišķi efektīvais Magnolols aktivizē ādu, palielinot ādas blīvumu sekmējošo šūnu skaitu un izmēru.*</li> <li style="text-align:justify;">Oligopeptīdi stimulē kolagēna tīklojumu, kas atbild par ādas tvirtumu un struktūru.*</li> <li style="text-align:justify;">Hialuronskābe intensīvi mitrina ādu un samazina grumbas.* (*laboratorijas pārbaudēs).</li> </ol><p style="text-align:justify;">Klīniskie un dermatoloģiskie pētījumi pierāda, ka regulāri lietojot, vieglā formula palīdz atjaunot zaudēto ādas blīvumu, uzlabojot sejas kontūras. Āda kļūst manāmi stingrāka, un smalkās līnijas un grumbiņas redzami mazinās. Pierādīta laba saderība ar ādu. </p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Sejas ādas kopšana/Sejas krēmi 0 For women