EVA/QU suppositories, 6 pcs.
Rectal suppositories for constipation.
Rectal suppositories Eva / q form microbubbles, stimulate physiologically, if bowel movement does not occur naturally, stabilize the defecation mechanism. It is best to relieve constipation by local physiological bowel movement. Eva / q rectal suppositories, with their foaming and stimulating effect, break down the compaction of stool and promote defecation. With repeated use, the stimulating effect of Eva / q also restores the lazy defecation mechanism. Eva / q Suppositories work only topically and do not contain emollients that can cause any side effects when absorbed, so Eva / q can also be used during pregnancy, lactation, recovery, the elderly, people with reduced mobility and sleeping patients ... The use of Eva / q suppositories is recommended for bowel movements before surgery, gastroenterology, urology and procto-rectoscopy.