FILLERINA Sun Beauty SPF 50+ sunscreen, 50 ml
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FILLERINA Sun Beauty SPF 50+ sunscreen, 50 ml

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64.39 €
Expiration date: 2029-10-31
Sun cream for face contains broad-spectrum sun protection filters, providing strong protection. Thanks to free and cyclodextrinized filters, the effect of the product is long-lasting and effective against UVA, UVB and UVC rays. With very high SPF 50+. A cream with a soft and light consistency, specially designed for the face. It helps to maintain a high level of moisture and elasticity in the skin.
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Important information
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

The face sunscreen contains both free and cyclodextrinized ones
UVA-UVB-UVC sun protection filters and extra active ingredients to prevent excessive skin heating and dehydration caused by IR (infrared) damage (active ingredients in vitro test). It is high level skin care, while in the sun to protect the skin and prevent sun damage such as wrinkles and
skin aging.
The products are rich in 12 hyaluronic acids (Fillerina® patent), collagen, elastin and the corresponding ones molecules that neutralize the degradation that caused by ultraviolet rays. Caproyl Tetrapeptide-3
and Polypodium leucotomos are included in the preparation existing anti-wrinkle, anti-aging and anti-dehydration active ingredients. Soft a cream that is easy and convenient to apply on the skin, even on high temperature and humidity conditions.

1148447 FILLERINA Sun Beauty SPF 50+ saules aizsarglīdzeklis, 50 ml InStock 64.39 EUR FILLERINA 64.39 <p>Sejas sauļošanās krēms satur gan brīvos, gan ciklodekstrinētos UVA-UVB-UVC saules aizsargfiltrus un papildus aktīvās sastāvdaļas, lai novērstu pārmērīgu ādas sakaršanu un dehidratāciju, ko izraisa IR (infrasarkano staru) bojājumi (aktīvās sastāvdaļas in vitro tests). Tā ir augsta līmeņa ādas kopšana, atrdodoties saulē, lai pasargātu ādu un novērstu saules radītos bojājumus, piemēram, grumbas un ādas novecošanos.</p><p>Līdzekļi ir bagāti ar 12 hialuronskābēm (Fillerina® patents), kolagēnu, elastīnu un atbilstošajām molekulām, kas neitralizē to noārdīšanos, ko izraisa ultravioletie stari. Caprooyl Tetrapeptide-3 un Polypodium leucotomos ir preparāta sastāvā esošās pretgrumbu, pretnovecošanās un pretdehidratācijas aktīvās sastāvdaļas. Maigs krēms, ko viegli un ērti uzklāt uz ādas arī augstas temperatūras un mitruma apstākļos.&nbsp;</p><p>DERMATOLOĢISKI TESTĒTS • BEZ PARABĒNIEM • BEZ SILIKONA</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Sauļošanās kosmētika/Saules aizsarglīdzekļi 0 For women, For men