Omega-3 Smart chewable lozenges, 45 pcs.

Omega-3 Smart chewable lozenges, 45 pcs.

19.99 €
Expiration date: 2025-09-30
FJØRD STRONG OMEGA-3 Smart gummies has a high concentration (485 mg omega-3), an innovative preparation method and better absorption.
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Food supplement!
Food supplement! A food supplement is not a substitute for a balanced healthy diet.
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
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Benefits of FJØRD STRONG OMEGA-3 Smart gummies that make it worth choosing this highly concentrated chewable fish oil: Revolutionary form - better absorption of Omega-3. Revolutionary chewable technology has been developed by Norwegian scientists, thanks to which the body absorbs omega-3 fatty acids better. A particularly strong concentration of omega-3 with a particularly high DHS and vitamin D content for the health of the whole family: • brain function and development, • for immunity, • for vision, • bones and teeth. Special protection against oxidation. Antioxidant - ascorbic acid and a special packaging method are used for protection. Omega-3 is obtained from a pure source of small wild fish. Raw fish is caught in the oceans through sustainable fishing from easily renewable sources. The producer of raw materials has the approved status "Friend of the Sea (FOS)". Additional benefits: • Sugar free. • Does not contain gluten. • Does not cause fermentation. • Natural passion fruit flavor, no fishy taste. • Tasty, pleasant and easy to use, especially for those who cannot swallow capsules. • Suitable for children from 3 years of age.

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1148067 FJORD Omega-3 Smart košļājamās pastilas, 45 gab. InStock 19.99 EUR 19.99 <p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: docs-Calibri; font-size: 15px; text-align: center; white-space-collapse: preserve;">FJØRD STRONG OMEGA-3 Smart gummies priekšrocības, kuru dēļ ir vērts izvēlēties šo ļoti koncentrēto košļājamo zivju eļļu: Revolucionāra forma - labāka Omega-3 uzsūkšanās. Paļaujieties uz revolucionāro košļājamo tehnoloģiju, kuru izstrādājuši norvēģu zinātnieki, pateicoties kurai, organisms labāk uzsūc omega-3 taukskābes. Īpaši spēcīga omega-3 koncentrācija ar īpaši augstu DHS un D vitamīna saturu visas ģimenes veselībai: • smadzeņu darbībai un attīstībai, • imunitātei, • redzei, • kauliem un zobiem. Īpaša aizsardzība pret oksidēšanu. Aizsardzībai tiek izmantots antioksidants - askorbīnskābe un īpaša iepakošanas metode. Omega-3 tiek iegūta no tīra mazu savvaļas zivju avota. Neapstrādātas zivis tiek nozvejotas okeānos, izmantojot ilgtspējīgu zveju no viegli atjaunojamiem avotiem. Izejvielu ražotājam ir apstiprināts statuss "Jūras draugs (FOS)". Papildu priekšrocības: • Bez cukura. • Nesatur glutēnu. • Neizraisa fermentāciju. • Dabīga marakujas garša, bez zivju garšas. • Garšīgs, patīkams un ērts lietošanā, īpaši tiem, kas nevar norīt kapsulas. • Piemērots bērniem no 3 gadu vecuma.</span><br></p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Vitamīni un minerālvielas/Vitamīni/Zivju eļļa 0