FREEDOM Soft tampons, 10 pcs.

FREEDOM Soft tampons, 10 pcs.

5.0 5 (10 reviews)
Regular price: 11.69 €
8.77 €
11.69 €
Expiration date: 2028-04-30
Freedom® is an alternative to conventional inserts and tampons.
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Important information
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

With FREEDOM tampons, you can live life to the fullest on any day of the cycle. Using them, you can play sports, swim and visit the SPA on menstrual days, and even have sex without restriction.
Tampons have a super soft material and a unique heart shape. For removal, there is not the usual cord, but a special slot. Therefore, tampons without a thread are absolutely invisible under any clothing (and even without it), they are not felt during active movements and even at the moment of intimate intimacy.
100% safe medical material developed for FREEDOM tampons by the German expert council. It does not dry the mucosa and does not injure the tissue during insertion and removal. FREEDOM tampons do not expand when they absorb liquid. That's why FREEDOM is a comfortable tampon for sex and sports, swimming and an active lifestyle. Swimming, exercising, physical exercises and even sex are possible with a tampon - now nothing gets in the way!

Approved by gynecologists. Made in Germany.

1205991 FREEDOM Soft tamponi, 10 gab. InStock 8.77 EUR FREEDOM 11.69 <p style="text-align:justify;">Ar tamponiem FREEDOM bez diedziņa var pilnvērtīgi dzīvot dzīvi jebkurā cikla dienā. Izmantojot tos, jūs bez ierobežojuma varat nodarboties ar sportu, peldēties un apmeklēt SPA menstruāciju dienās un pat nodarboties ar seksu.<br />Tamponiem ir īpaši mīksts materiāls un unikāla sirdsveida forma. Izņemšanai nav paredzēta ierastā aukliņa, bet gan īpaša sprauga. Tāpēc tamponi bez diedziņa ir absolūti neredzami zem jebkura apģērba (un pat bez tā), tie nav jūtami aktīvu kustību laikā un pat intīmās tuvības brīdī.<br />100% drošs medicīnisks materiāls, ko FREEDOM tamponiem izstrādājusi Vācijas ekspertu padome. Tas neizžāvē gļotādu un netraumē audus ievietošanas un izņemšanas laikā. FREEDOM tamponi neizplešas, kad tie uzsūc šķidrumu. Tādēļ FREEDOM ir ērti tamponi seksam un sportam, peldēšanai un aktīvam dzīvesveidam. Peldēšana, vingrošana, fiziskās nodarbības un pat sekss iespējams ar tamponu - tagad nekas netraucē!</p> <p style="text-align:justify;">Apstiprinājuši ginekologi. Ražots Vācijā.</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Higiēnas preces/Sievietēm/Tamponi 25 For women