GUM Original White toothpaste, 75 ml
4.9 4.9 (15 reviews)

GUM Original White toothpaste, 75 ml

4.9 4.9 (15 reviews)
6.41 €
Expiration date: 2027-04-30
GUM Original White restores the natural whiteness of teeth, gently removing pigment from the tooth surface and without damaging the enamel.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
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Excellent toothpaste GUM with professionally developed formulas - for really thorough oral care. GUM Original White restores the natural whiteness of teeth, gently removing pigment from the tooth surface and without damaging the enamel - with non-abrasive cleaning technology.

The toothpaste contains fine microbubble particles with a high concentration of the unique substance "StainClear". They neutralize existing pigmentation and protect the enamel from further discoloration. Thanks to the active action of the substance "StainClear" and silica, the paste acts on the pigmentation, dissolving it not only on the tooth surface, but also in the fine microcracks of tooth enamel. The vitamin complex of provitamin B5 and allantoin protects the soft tissues of the oral cavity from harmful bacteria, prevents inflammatory processes and strengthens the gums. The compound of isomalt and fluoride in the paste actively participates in the strengthening of tooth enamel and its further protection.

Daily use of toothpaste Gum Original White prevents the appearance of bacterial plaque and forms a protective surface of teeth, as well as significantly reduces the occurrence of caries, eliminates pigmentation without damaging tooth enamel and serves as a curative and preventive inflammation of the soft tissues of the mouth.

1142182 GUM Original White zobu pasta, 75 ml InStock 6.41 EUR GUM 10.69 <p style="text-align:justify;">Izcilās zobu pastas GUM ar profesionāli izstrādātām formulām - patiesi rūpīgai mutes dobuma kopšanai. GUM Original White atjauno zobu dabīgo baltumu, maigi noņemot pigmentu no zobu virsmas un nekaitējot emaljai - ar neabrazīvu tīrīšanas tehnoloģiju.</p> <p style="text-align:justify;">Zobu pastas sastāvā ietilpst smalkas mikroburbuļu daļiņas ar unikālas vielas "StainClear" augstu koncentrāciju. Tās neitralizē esošo pigmentāciju un aizsargā emalju no turpmākās iekrāsošanās. Pateicoties "StainClear" vielas un silīcija dioksīda aktīvai darbībai, pasta iedarbojas uz pigmentāciju, izšķīdinot to ne tikai uz zobu virsmas, bet arī zobu emaljas smalkajās mikroplaisās. Vitamīnu komplekss no B5 provitamīna un alantoīna aizsargā mutes dobuma mīkstos audus no kaitīgām baktērijām, novērš iekaisuma procesus un stiprina smaganas. Izomalta un fluorīda savienojums pastas sastāvā aktīvi piedalās zobu emaljas stiprināšanā un tās turpmākajā aizsardzībā.</p> <p style="text-align:justify;">Zobu pastas Gum Original White ikdienas lietošana novērš baktēriju aplikuma parādīšanos un veido zobu aizsargvirsmu, kā arī ievērojami samazina kariesa rašanos, likvidē pigmentāciju bez zobu emaljas bojāšanas un kalpo par ārstnieciski-profilaktisko līdzekli mutes dobuma mīksto audu iekaisumu procesu novēršanā.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Mutes dobuma higiēna/Zobu pastas 40 For men