GYNELLA Balance vaginal suppositories, 10 pcs.
GYNELLA Balance vaginal suppositories, 10 pcs.
16.69 €
16.69 €
Expiration date: 2026-02-28
GYNELLA Balance, due to soy isoflavones and hyaluronic acid, moisturises the vaginal mucosa during menopause and, together with tyndallized lactobacteria, helps to maintain the balance of the vaginal microflora.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies
GYNELLA Balance is a medical device containing tyndallized lactobacteria (Lactobacillus acidophilus), hyaluronic acid, soy isoflavones and lactic acid. Due to its composition, GYNELLA Balance maintains the natural protection and moisture balance of the vagina in cases of changes in the vaginal microflora caused by physiological conditions (hormonal changes, menopause, stress, pregnancy, postpartum period, breastfeeding) and/or external conditions (use of antibiotics, tampons, leisure activities, inadequate hygiene, contraception).
GYNELLA Balance, due to soy isoflavones and hyaluronic acid, moisturises the vaginal mucosa during menopause and, together with tyndallized lactobacteria, helps to maintain the balance of the vaginal microflora.
GYNELLA Balance vaginālās svecītes, 10 gab.
<p>GYNELLA Balance ir medicīniskā ierīce, kas satur tindalizētas laktobaktērijas (Lactobacillus acidophilus), hialuronskābi, sojas izoflavonus un pienskābi. Pateicoties sastāvam, GYNELLA Balance uztur dabisku maksts aizsardzību un mitruma līdzsvaru maksts mikrofloras izmaiņu gadījumos, ko izraisa fizioloģiski apstākļi (hormonālas izmaiņas, menopauze, stress, grūtniecība, pēcdzemdību periods, bērna zīdīšana) un/vai ārēji apstākļi (antibiotiku lietošana, tamponi, brīvā laika aktivitātes, neatbilstoša higiēna, kontracepcija).</p><p>GYNELLA Balance, pateicoties sojas izoflavoniem un hialuronskābei sastāvā, mitrina maksts gļotādu menopauzes periodā un kopā ar tindalizētajām laktobaktērijām palīdz uzturēt maksts mikrofloras līdzsvaru.</p>
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