HEALTH&BEAUTY Dead Sea Minerals Mud shampoo, 400 ml
4.6 4.6 (5 reviews)

HEALTH&BEAUTY Dead Sea Minerals Mud shampoo, 400 ml

4.6 4.6 (5 reviews)
Regular price: 20.39 €
14.27 €
20.39 €
Expiration date: 2025-06-30
Shampoo with healing Dead Sea mud.
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Important information
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

High-quality shampoo, made according to a special recipe, with especially effective ingredients for removing grease and dirt from the hair during washing. A unique combination of Dead Sea mud, sea buckthorn oil, aloe vera extract, rosemary, jojoba oil, vitamin E, pro-vitamins B5 + B6, magnesium and Dead Sea minerals. Mud contains manganese - a mineral that enhances blood circulation in small blood vessels, promoting hair growth, reducing hair loss and preventing the appearance of dandruff. The shampoo makes hair soft, healthy and shiny, strengthens from root to tip and protects from the harmful effects of the hair dryer. After shampooing, use an H&B mud mask. Made in Israel.

1162958 HEALTH&BEAUTY Dead Sea Minerals Mud šampūns, 400 ml InStock 14.27 EUR HEALTH&BEAUTY 20.39 <p style="text-align:justify;">Augstas kvalitātes šampūns, izgatavots pēc speciālas receptes, ar īpaši efektīvām sastāvdaļām tauku un netīrumu noņemšanai no matiem mazgāšanas laikā. Unikāls Nāves jūras dubļu, smiltsērkšķu eļļas, alvejas ekstrakta, rozmarīna, jojobas eļļas, vitamīna E, pro-vitamīnu B5+B6, magnija un Nāves jūras minerālu savienojums. Dubļu sastāvā ir mangāns - minerāls, kas pastiprina asinsriti mazajos asinsvados, veicinot matu augšanu, samazinot to izkrišanu un novēršot blaugznu parādīšanos. Šampūns padara matus mīkstus, veselīgus un spīdošus, nostiprina no saknēm līdz galiņiem un aizsargā no fēna kaitīgās iedarbības. Pēc matu mazgāšanas ar šampūnu jālieto H&amp;B dubļu maska. Ražots Izraēlā.</p> <p style="text-align:justify;"><a href=""></a></p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Matu kopšana/Pretblaugznu šampūni 30 For women, For men