MAXIM Chocolate Protein bar, 57 g
5.0 5 (4 reviews)

MAXIM Chocolate Protein bar, 57 g

5.0 5 (4 reviews)
Expiration date: 2025-04-19
A hearty, healthy and valuable snack, which contains 20 g of protein and little sugar. A great snack both between meals and before or after training.
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Protein bar with 3 types of chocolate. HERO is one of Maxim HEROES delicious, functional and healthy bars. Maxim bars contain only 200 kcal, 2 g of sugar and no less than 20 g of protein and 5 g of fiber. Perfect for those who want to get plenty of protein but avoid excess sugar.

Maxim – motivatingly delicious.
Maxim HEROES protein bars are unique with their great taste. Unlike many other protein bars, they are not dry or tasteless, nor do they have an unpleasant aftertaste. The crunchy chocolate glaze and the soft and creamy filling allow you to enjoy every bite.
Maxim HEROES are delicious, functional and healthy. Suitable for recovery after an intense workout and, thanks to the high amount of protein and fibre, also great as a healthy snack. Due to the small amount of sugar, the insulin level in the blood does not rise or fall rapidly, ensuring a stable blood sugar level for a long time.

1145122 MAXIM Šokolādes Proteīna batoniņš, 57 g OutOfStock 2.99 EUR MAXIM 2.99 <p>Proteīna batoniņš ar 3 veidu šokolādi. HERO ir viens no Maxim HEROES gardajiem, funcionālajiem un veselīgajiem batoniņiem. Maxim batoniņos ir tikai 200 kcal, 2 g cukura un ne mazāk kā 20 g proteīna un 5 g šķierdrvielu. Lieliski piemērots tiem, kas vēlas uzņemt daudz proteīna, bet izvairīties no lieka cukura.<br /><br />Maxim – motivējoši gards.<br />Maxim HEROES proteīna batoniņi ir unikāli ar savu lielisko garšu. Pretstatā daudziem citiem proteīna batoniņiem, tie nav sausli vai bezgaršīgi, nedz arī ar nepatīkamu pēcgaršu. Kraukšķīgā šokolādes glazūra un maigais un krēmīgais pildījums ļauj izbaudīt katru kumosu. <br />Maxim HEROES ir gardi, funcionāli un veselīgi. Piemērots, lai atgūtos pēc intensīva treniņa un, pateicoties augstajam proteīna un šķiedrveilu daudzumam, lielisks arī kā veselīga uzkoda. Mazā cukura daudzuma dēļ, insulīna līmenis asinīs strauji nepieaug un nekrīt, ilgstoši nodrošinot stabilu cukura līmeni asinīs.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Vitamīni un minerālvielas/Tējas un pārtika/Superprodukti 0 For men