HORSE BALSAM Cooling balm, 125 ml
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HORSE BALSAM Cooling balm, 125 ml

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9.59 €
Expiration date: 2026-07-02
A unique balm of 25 types of medicinal plants and herbal extracts.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

A unique balm of 25 types of medicinal plants and herbal extracts. The balm is based on the action of essential oils and the healing power of plant extracts. The balanced composition of these substances provides a wide range of effects and a pronounced effect of skin massage. Reduces pain in joints, muscles and spine. Reduces discomfort caused by rheumatism and swollen joints. The balm gently refreshes and quickly improves microcirculation, enhancing the effect of active ingredients and accelerating healing.

1081915 HORSE BALSAM Cooling balzams, 125 ml InStock 9.59 EUR HORSE BALSAM 9.59 <p style="text-align:justify;">Unikāls balzams, izgatavots no 25 ārstniecības augu veidiem un augu ekstraktiem. Balzāmu pamatā ir ēterisko eļļu iedarbība un augu ekstraktu dziedinošais spēks. Šo vielu līdzsvarotais sastāvs nodrošina plašu iedarbību un izteiktu efektu pie ādas masāžas. Samazina sāpes locītavās, muskuļos un mugurkaulā. Mazina reimatisma un pietūkušu locītavu radītu diskomfortu. Balzāms maigi atsvaidzina un ātri uzlabo mikrocirkulāciju, palielinot aktīvo vielu iedarbību un paātrinot izveseļošanos.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Medicīnas preces/Citi ārstnieciskie līdzekļi/Sildošie, atvēsinošie un citi ķermeņa balzami 0