ZIRGU SPĒKS gel, 75 ml
4.6 4.6 (7 reviews)

ZIRGU SPĒKS gel, 75 ml

4.6 4.6 (7 reviews)
3.29 €
Expiration date: 2027-01-31
Joint cream.
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Important information
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

Protective and nourishing cream-gel based on natural ingredients. The cream has an anti-inflammatory effect, it is used for edema. It helps to improve blood circulation, restore joint mobility.

11162586 ZIRGU SPĒKS gels, 75 ml https://e-menessaptieka.lv/en/p/horsepower-gel-75-ml-11162586 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/c7/04/61eeb4c3309295ebcc5cbe624cfe.png InStock 3.29 EUR ZIRGU SPĒKS 3.29 <p style="text-align:justify;"><br />Aizsargājošs un barojošs krēms-gēls uz dabas komponentu pamata. Krēmam ir pretiekaisuma efekts, lieto tūskas gadījumā. Lieliski palīdz asinsrites uzlabošanai, locītavu kustīguma atjaunošanai.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Medicīnas preces/Citi ārstnieciskie līdzekļi/Sildošie, atvēsinošie un citi ķermeņa balzami 0