ILON For Dry Skin And Feet foot gel, 100 ml

ILON For Dry Skin And Feet foot gel, 100 ml
16.99 €
16.99 €/Ml
16.99 €
Expiration date: 2028-02-28
Care for and protection of dry, sensitive skin and feet. Patented Spiralin microalgea active ingredient, 10% urea, aloe vera.
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Important information
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies
"ilon" gel for intensive care of dry skin and feet, active microalgae protection with patented Spiralin extract. Gel for dry, problematic feet. Sensitive, dry and cracked foot skin needs more than just moisturising! ilon gel intensively moisturises and improves the skin's natural protective barrier thanks to the patented microalgae extract Spiralin.
Product features:
-Active ingredients are transported to the deep layers of the epidermis;
-Accelerates cell renewal by 26%;
-Helps repair damaged skin;
-Contains coconut oil - moisturises, softens and improves skin elasticity;
-Leaves skin oil-free and absorbs very quickly;
-Can be used by children from 3 years of age, diabetics, pregnant and lactating women.
ILON For Dry Skin And Feet gels kājām, 100 ml
<p>ilon° gels sausas ādas un pēdu intensīvai kopšanai, aktīva mikroaļģu aizsardzība ar patentētu Spiralin ekstraktu. Gels sausai, problemātiskai pēdu ādai. Jutīgai, sausai un saplaisājušai pēdu ādai ir nepieciešams vairāk nekā tikai mitrināšana! ilon gels intensīvi mitrina un, pateicoties patentētajam mikroaļģu ekstraktam Spiralin, uzlabo ādas dabisko aizsargbarjeru. </p><p>Produkta īpašības:</p><p>-Aktīvās sastāvdaļas tiek nogādātas epidermas dziļajos slāņos;</p><p>-Paātrina šūnu atjaunošanos par 26%;</p><p>-Palīdz atjaunoties bojātai ādai;</p><p>-Satur kokosriekstu eļļu – mitrina, mīkstina un uzlabo ādas elastību;</p><p>-Neatstāj taukainu ādu un ļoti ātri iesūcas;</p><p>-Var lietot bērniem no 3 gadu vecuma, diabēta slimniekiem, grūtniecēm un sievietēm zīdīšanas laikā.</p>
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