JONAX Baldriāna Ekstrakts 20 mg pills, 50 pcs.

JONAX Baldriāna Ekstrakts 20 mg pills, 50 pcs.

0.55 €
Expiration date: 2027-03-31
Valerian helps overcome stress, reduces agitation, helps to fall asleep, maintains good sleep quality.
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Valerian promotes relaxation in times of tension and stress and promotes mental well-being, helping to cope with the stress of a busy lifestyle. Promotes falling asleep and good sleep.

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1149122 JONAX Baldriāna Ekstrakts 20 mg tabletes, 50 gab. InStock 0.55 EUR JONAX 1.09 <p>Baldriāns veicina relaksāciju spriedzes un stresa laikā un sekmē garīgo labsajūtu, palīdzot tikt galā ar steidzīgā dzīvesveida izraisīto stresu. Veicina iemigšanu un labu miegu.<span style="white-space:pre"> </span><br></p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Vitamīni un minerālvielas/Minerālvielu kompleksi/Nomierinošie līdzekļi 50 For women, For men