Egf Bio Epidermal Growrh Factors concentrate, 15 ml
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Egf Bio Epidermal Growrh Factors concentrate, 15 ml

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160.99 €
Expiration date: 2025-05-30
Easily absorbed anti-aging moisturizing concentrate formulated with growth factors epidermal that activate the regeneration mechanism of the skin, minimizing the visible signs of aging and preventing its appearance. Reduces wrinkles and expression lines and improves elasticity and firmness of the skin.
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Easily absorbed anti-aging moisturizing concentrate formulated with growth factors epidermal that activate the regeneration mechanism of the skin, minimizing the visible signs of aging and preventing its appearance. Reduces wrinkles and expression lines and improves elasticity and firmness of the skin.


-Epidermal growth factors or EGF: These are molecules that stimulate growth, proliferation and the differentiation of skin cells, thus counteracting the signs of aging. Reduce wrinkles and sagging.

-Betaglucans: Anti-aging effect. They stimulate the production of collagen and help to maintain the degreeoptimal skin hydration.

1147716 KUOS Egf Bio Epidermal Growrh Factors koncentrāts, 15 ml InStock 160.99 EUR 229.99 <p>Pretnovecošanās mitrinošs koncentrāts, kas viegli uzsūcas. Sastāvā epidermas augšanas faktori, kas aktivizē ādas reģenerācijas mehānismu, samazinot redzamās novecošanās pazīmes un novēršot tās parādīšanos. Samazina grumbas un mīmikas līnijas un uzlabo ādas elastību un tvirtumu.</p><p>GALVENĀS SASTĀVDAĻAS:</p><p>-Epidermālās augšanas faktori jeb EGF: Tās ir molekulas, kas stimulē augšanu, proliferāciju un ādas šūnu diferenciāciju, tādējādi novēršot novecošanās pazīmes. Samazina grumbas un uzlabo ādas tonusu.</p><p>-Betaglikāni: Pretnovecošanās efekts. Tie stimulē kolagēna ražošanu un palīdz uzturēt optimālu ādas mitrināšanu.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Sejas ādas kopšana/Papildus sejas ādas kopšana/Serumi 30 For women, For men