LELO HEX Original condoms, 12 pcs.
5.0 5 (2 reviews)

LELO HEX Original condoms, 12 pcs.

5.0 5 (2 reviews)
24.99 €
Expiration date: 2029-03-30
Innovative, ultra-thin condoms that are talked about around the world!
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

LELO HEX is the condom re-engineered. 7 years in development, HEX is a condom that doesn't compromise on pleasure, on strength or on safety. Thanks to its completely unique hexagonal structure, HEX offers a bespoke fit to enhance the sensitivity and intimacy of sex for both partners.
LELO HEX delivers strength, thinness and sensation through its revolutionary hexagonal structure. It's the first major innovation in years, and the media all over the world is calling it one of the most important advances in condom technology for decades.
With its structure of 350 interconnected hexagons, HEX allows for a more sensitive and more intimate sexual sensation, as well as a more secure fit that gently grips the wearer to fight slippage. Perfectly smooth on the outside, textured on the inside; the hexagonal web within flexes and stretches to fit a wide number of shapes securely.

  • length: 180 mm
  • width: 54 mm (Original); 58 mm (Respect XL)
  • thickness: 0.045 mm
1145045 LELO HEX Original prezervatīvi, 12 gab. https://e-menessaptieka.lv/en/p/lelo-hex-original-condoms-12-pcs-1145045 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/c0/49/d47a19aaf384e825e5421c9763ea.png InStock 24.99 EUR LELO HEX 24.99 <p>Inovatīvi, īpaši plāni prezervatīvi, par kuriem runā visā pasaulē! Prezervatīva izstrāde ilga vairākus gadus, un rezultāts ir kļuvis par vienu no visvairāk apbrīnotajiem jaunumiem, ko dāvājušas cilvēkam mūsdienu tehnoloģijas intīmajā drošībā. Materiāla drošības un izturības paaugstināšana, ko panāca LELO speciālistu komanda, neaizēnoja to, ka HEX prezervatīvi radīti ar domu par cilvēka baudpilnu seksuālo dzīvi. Īpaša prezervatīva struktūra, ko veido 350 savstarpēji savienoti sešstūri, padara to gludu no ārpuses, un teksturētu iekšpusē, kā arī sniedz lielisku elastību, līdz ar to prezervatīvu ir ērti uzvilkt, un tas labi pieguļ dzimumloceklim, novēršot nejaušu noslīdēšanu seksa laikā.</p> <ul><li>Garums: 180 mm</li> <li>Platums: 54 mm (Original); 58 mm (Respect XL)</li> <li>Biezums: 0,045 mm</li> </ul> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Higiēnas preces/Kontracepcija/Prezervatīvi 0 For men