MARENCE Anti-Age face cream, 50 ml
5.0 5 (2 reviews)

MARENCE Anti-Age face cream, 50 ml

5.0 5 (2 reviews)
Regular price: 48.99 €
34.29 €
48.99 €
Expiration date: 2026-09-24
Anti-aging face cream with lifting effect.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

Anti-Age lifting cream for facial skin reduces wrinkles, improves skin elasticity, strengthens, provides a lifting effect and moisturizes, giving the skin a more youthful look.

Marence's specially developed Freshwater Green Mud Extract, Innovative Active Peptide, Marine Elastin, Hyaluronic Acid, Plant Extract with Lifting Effect, Hohoba and Grape Seed Oils, Vitamin E and Sacha Inchi Oil provide skin with micro and macro elements, amino acids and vitamins, as well as skin with polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega 3, 6 and 9.

1134615 MARENCE Anti-Age sejas krēms, 50 ml InStock 34.29 EUR MARENCE 48.99 <p style="text-align:justify;">Anti-Age liftinga krēms sejas ādai samazina krunciņas, uzlabo ādas elastību, nostiprina, sniedz liftinga efektu un mitrina, piešķirot ādai jauneklīgāku izskatu.</p> <p style="text-align:justify;">Marence īpaši izstrādātais Saldūdens zaļo dūņu ekstrakts, inovatīvais aktīvais peptīds, jūras elastīns, hialuronskābe, augu ekstrakts ar liftinga efektu, hohobas un vīnogu kauliņu eļļas, E vitamīns un Sacha Inchi eļļa nodrošina ādu ar mikro un makro elementiem, aminoskābēm un vitamīniem, kā arī bagātina ādu ar polinepiesātinātajām taukskābēm omega 3, 6 un 9.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Sejas ādas kopšana 30 For women