MAVEX Intensive Repair Foot cream, 100 ml
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MAVEX Intensive Repair Foot cream, 100 ml

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43.19 €
Expiration date: 2027-04-30
Thanks to the keratolytic effect, it reduces skin thickening and corns, softens the skin and makes it elastic from the first use.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

Thanks to its keratolytic action, from the very first applications it reduces the thickening of calluses and corns, softens the skin and makes it elastic. Its intense regenerating action helps to solve and prevent the formation of fissures and cracks.

It forms a soft, long-lasting film which envelops and protects the skin of the foot effectively, moisturizing and encouraging the recovery of the skin barrier. Its refreshing and purifying effect provides immediate relief and restores well-being to feet, giving a wonderful feeling of softness to the touch.

Intensive Repair Foot Cream is a cosmetic product consisting of 98% natural ingredients and does not contain artificial fragrances.

Its pleasant scent exclusively derives from plant extracts and essential oils. It massages in easily and dries and is absorbed quickly, without leaving any oily residue.

Used regularly, it helps prevent the formation of callosity and cracks and keeps the skin of the foot soft and elastic.

To increase phytotherapeutic efficacy, Intensive Repair Foot Cream uses a biomimetic lamellar emulsion, a pharmaceutical technology used for the release of therapeutic substances that allows the active ingredients contained in plant extracts to be delivered gradually and continuously, thus increasing their functional effectiveness.

1164330 MAVEX Intensive Repair Foot krēms, 100 ml InStock 43.19 EUR MAVEX 43.19 <p>Pateicoties keratolītiskajai iedarbībai, jau no pirmajām lietošanas reizēm samazina ādas sabiezējumus un varžacis, mīkstina ādu un padara to elastīgu. Tā intensīvā reģenerējošā darbība palīdz atrisināt un novērst plaisu veidošanos.</p> <p>Tas veido mīkstu, noturīgu plēvi, kas efektīvi aptver un aizsargā pēdu ādu, mitrinot un veicinot ādas barjeras atjaunošanos. Tās atsvaidzinošais un attīrošais efekts sniedz tūlītēju atvieglojumu un atjauno pēdu labsajūtu, pieskaroties sniedz brīnišķīgu maiguma sajūtu.</p> <p>Intensive Repair Foot Cream ir kosmētikas līdzeklis, kas sastāv no 98% dabīgām sastāvdaļām un nesatur mākslīgas smaržvielas.</p> <p>Tā patīkamā smarža rodas tikai no augu ekstraktiem un ēteriskajām eļļām. Viegli iemasēt, ātri uzsūcas, neatstājot eļļainus atlikumus.</p> <p>Regulāri lietojot, tas palīdz novērst sabiezējumus un plaisu veidošanos, saglabā pēdu ādu maigu un elastīgu.</p> <p>Fitoterapeitiskās efektivitātes paaugstināšanai Intensive Repair Foot Cream izmanto biomimētisku lamelāru emulsiju – farmaceitisko tehnoloģiju, ko izmanto ārstniecisko vielu izdalīšanai, kas ļauj pakāpeniski un nepārtraukti izvadīt augu ekstraktos esošās aktīvās sastāvdaļas, tādējādi paaugstinot to funkcionālo efektivitāti.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Ķermeņa ādas kopšana/Kāju kopšana/Kopjoši krēmi un losjoni 0 For women, For men