MAVEX Sublime Tan body oil, 100 ml
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MAVEX Sublime Tan body oil, 100 ml

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68.49 €
Expiration date: 2027-05-30
Sublime Tan Oil is an extraordinary natural beauty ritual that improves your tan and softens and nourishes your face, body and hair in a single gesture.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
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A silky multi-vitamin body oil with tanning intensifier that combines make-up and skincare, to nourish and moisturise and also to add a touch of bright and irresistible sensuality with its golden glitter.

With its light, dry and velvety texture, it delivers precious nourishment to even the most malnourished, dry and stressed skin, with a regenerating effect. Leaves skin soft and elastic without that greasy effect.

Its heady fragrance with citrus hues is a reminder of the sea and the sun, leaving a pleasant sensation of well-being and relaxation.

Contains Perfect Bronze Complex, an exclusive plant-based complex that accelerates and intensifies the skin’s natural pigmentation process, reducing exposure times and promoting a rapid and long-lasting natural tan, even without sun exposure, Pure Argan oil with elasticising and moisturising properties, giving your skin softness and vigour and helping maintain proper fluid balance, Vitamins A, E and C with antioxidant, protective and repairing properties to fight the loss of elasticity, the ageing processes and the formation of wrinkles, Beta Carotene, known for its protective action against the harmful effects of UV rays, and Coloured Pigments that produce beautiful reflexes and sensual colour effects.

1164347 MAVEX Sublime Tan ķermeņa eļļa, 100 ml InStock 68.49 EUR MAVEX 68.49 <p>Zīdaina multivitamīnu ķermeņa eļļa ar iedeguma pastiprinātāju, kas apvieno grimu un ādas kopšanu, lai barotu un mitrinātu, kā arī pievienotu spilgta un neatvairāma jutekliskuma pieskārienu ar tās zeltainajiem mirdzumiem.</p> <p>Ar savu vieglo, sauso un samtaino tekstūru tas nodrošina vērtīgu barošanu pat visnepietiekamāk barotai, sausai un noslogotai ādai. Padara ādu maigu un elastīgu bez taukainas iedarbības.</p> <p>Tās reibinošais aromāts ar citrusaugļu nokrāsām atgādina jūru un sauli, atstājot patīkamu labsajūtas un relaksācijas sajūtu.</p> <p>Satur Perfect Bronze Complex, ekskluzīvu augu bāzes kompleksu, kas paātrina un pastiprina ādas dabīgo pigmentācijas procesu, samazinot iedarbības laiku un veicinot ātru un ilgstošu dabīgu iedegumu pat bez saules iedarbības, tīru argana eļļu ar elastīgām un mitrinošām īpašībām. Palīdz uzturēt pareizu šķidruma līdzsvaru, A, E un C vitamīnus ar antioksidantu, aizsargājošu un atjaunojošu īpašību, lai cīnītos pret elastības zudumu, novecošanas procesiem un grumbu veidošanos, beta karotīns, kas pazīstams ar savu aizsargājošo iedarbību pret UV staru kaitīgo ietekmi un krāsainos pigmentus.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Ķermeņa ādas kopšana/Krēmi, losjoni un eļļas 0 For women