MELATONIN PHARMA NORD 3 mg pills, 30 pcs.
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MELATONIN PHARMA NORD 3 mg pills, 30 pcs.

19.60 €
Expiration date: 2027-09-30
Time zone change syndrome.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

The active substance in Melatonin Pharma Nord is melatonin. Melatonin Pharma Nord can be used to treat jet-lag in adults. Time-lapse syndrome (jet-lag) is characterized by sleep disturbances, daytime fatigue, weakness, mild mental disturbances, irritability and post-flight digestive disorders.

Melatonin is a hormone produced by the body that synchronizes the body's biological rhythms day and night. Traveling across time zones can disrupt the biological rhythm. This is known as time zone change syndrome. Symptoms and their severity vary from individual to individual, but they are usually more pronounced and prolonged when several time zones are crossed. Melatonin Pharma Nord can help restore normal day and night rhythms and reduce symptoms.

The recommended dose of Melatonin Pharma Nord for adults is 1 tablet (3 milligrams) a day for up to 5 days. The dose may be increased to 2 tablets (6 milligrams) if the standard dose does not adequately reduce the symptoms of time zone change syndrome.

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1038626 MELATONIN PHARMA NORD 3 mg tabletes, 30 gab. InStock 19.6 EUR MELATONIN PHARMA NORD 19.6 <p style="text-align:justify;">Melatonin Pharma Nord sastāvā esošā aktīvā viela ir melatonīns. Melatonin Pharma Nord var lietot laika joslu maiņas sindroma (jet-lag) ārstēšanai pieaugušajiem. Laika joslu maiņas sindromam (jet-lag) raksturīgi miega traucējumi, nogurums dienas laikā, vājums, viegli garīgi traucējumi, uzbudināmība un gremošanas sistēmas darbības traucējumi pēc lidojuma.</p> <p style="text-align:justify;">Melatonīns ir organisma izstrādāts hormons, kas sinhronizē organisma bioloģisko dienas un nakts ritmu. Bioloģisko ritmu var izjaukt ceļošana, šķērsojot laika joslas. To pazīst kā laika joslu maiņas sindromu. Simptomi un to smaguma pakāpe dažādiem indivīdiem ir atšķirīga, taču tie parasti ir izteiktāki un ilgstošāki, ja tiek šķērsotas vairākas laika joslas. Melatonin Pharma Nord var palīdzēt atjaunot normālo dienas un nakts ritmu un mazināt simptomus.</p> <p style="text-align:justify;">Ieteicamā Melatonin Pharma Nord deva pieaugušajiem ir 1 tablete (3 miligrami) dienā līdz 5 dienām. Devu var palielināt līdz 2 tabletēm (6 miligramiem), ja standarta deva nepietiekami mazina laika joslu maiņas sindroma simptomus.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Medikamenti/Slikta pašsajūta/Stress un bezmiegs 0 For men Melatoninum