MINUS 417 Time Control Firming Radiant Mud facial mask, 100 ml
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MINUS 417 Time Control Firming Radiant Mud facial mask, 100 ml

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29.39 €
Expiration date: 2026-02-01
An amazing 2 in 1 exfoliating and nourishing mud mask based on a unique blend of rich Dead Sea Mud that deeply cleanses skin, absorbs excess oil and all traces of impurities while gently exfoliating skin dead cells and nourishing the skin at the same time.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

*Its dual action of both exfoliating and nourishing creates a sensation of tightening and renewal that you can feel.

*It absorbs the unwanted, excess sebum and dirt to maintains the skin healthy.

*The soothing and calming of the red and white clays are reminiscent of some of the best spa clay treatments around the world.

Scent ~ A subtle earthy fragrance that once rinsed completely dissipates leaving your skin primed for your chosen fragrance of the day.

See ~ Your skin deeply exfoliated and nourished leaving a luminescence that is plain for everyone to see.

Feel ~ Your skin renewed as the dead are removed and the new skin is allowed to shine through.

Dead Sea Mud ~ firms, tones and tightens the skin as it draws out damaging toxins helping the skin to rejuvenate itself naturally.

Vitamin A ~ Vitamin A important in the renewal of the skin so that you can replace the old damaged with a healthy look , new, young skin.

Vitamin B ~ Helps the skin hold on to moisture by creating an evaporation barrier that also helps protect against environmental damages.

Vitamin E ~ A powerful antioxidant that helps neutralize the free radicals before they can exact their damaging toll on your skin causing it to appear older before your time.

Vitamin F ~ Also known as Omega Fatty Acids. soften the skin naturally by promoting optimal skin balance.

Titanium Dioxide ~ absorbs the unwanted, excess sebum and oils while also slightly whitening the skin.

White And Red Clay’s ~ Draw out toxins while exfoliating and sealing in vital moisture.

Plant Oils:

Avocado Oil ~ The oils of avocado absorb right into the skin as if it were a part of it, where it then helps restore the softness and suppleness lost by aging and the ravaging of pollutants.

Olive Oil ~ Naturally contains vitamin E, polyphenols, and phytosterols which are all amazingly protective and reparative to the skin.

Verbena ~ An antioxidant well known for its relaxing abilities.

Honey ~ The ‘RIGHT’ kind of honey is a near miracle for the skin as it’s used by doctors clinically to rejuvenate and protect the skin of patients with a wide variety of challenges.

1148313 MINUS 417 Time Control Firming Radiant Mud sejas maska, 100 ml https://e-menessaptieka.lv/en/p/minus-417-firming-radiant-mud-mask-100ml-1148313 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/28/e7/39d91ca0cae5fa4e4dffeedf21e8.png InStock 29.39 EUR MINUS 417 41.99 <p>*Tās divkāršā iedarbība - gan eksfoliējot, gan barojot - rada jūtamu savelkošu un atjaunojošu efektu.</p><p><br></p><p>*Tā absorbē nevēlamos, liekos taukus un netīrumus, uzturot veselīgu ādu.</p><p><br></p><p>*Nomierinošā sarkano un balto mālu iedarbība atgādina par pasaules labākajām SPA mālu procedūrām.</p><p><br></p><p>Smarža ~ Viegls aromāts, kas pēc aizskalošanas pilnībā izzūd, sagatavojot ādu jūsu izvēlētajām ikdienas smaržām.</p><p><br></p><p>Izskats ~ Āda tiek dziļi eksfoliēta un barota, radot mirdzumu, kuru nepalaidīs garām neviens.</p><p><br></p><p>Sajūta ~ Jūsu āda tiek atjaunota, noņemot atmirušās ādas šūnas, ļaujot izcelties jaunās ādas mirdzumam.</p><p><br></p><p>Nāves jūras dubļi ~ nostiprina, tonizē un savelk ādu, izvelkot kaitīgos toksīnus un palīdzot ādai dabiski atjaunoties.</p><p><br></p><p>Vitamīns A - Vitamīns A ir svarīgs ādas atjaunošanā, lai veco bojāto ādas slāni varētu aizstāt ar veselīga izskata, jaunu ādu.</p><p><br></p><p>Vitamīns B5 - palīdz ādai saglabāt mitrumu, izveidojot iztvaikojošu aizsargkārtu, kas arī palīdz pasargāt ādu no vides kaitējuma.</p><p><br></p><p>Vitamīns E - Spēcīgs antioksidants, kas palīdz neitralizēt brīvos radikāļus, pirms tie spēj nodarīt kaitējumu ādai, liekot tai priekšlaicīgi novecot.</p><p><br></p><p>Vitamīns F ~ Pazīstams arī kā Omega taukskābes, dabiski mīkstina ādu, veicinot optimālu tās līdzsvaru.</p><p><br></p><p>Titāna dioksīds ~ absorbē nevēlamos, liekos taukus un eļļas, vienlaikus nedaudz baltinot ādu.</p><p><br></p><p>Baltie un sarkanie māli ~ Izvelk toksīnus, eksfoliējot un saglabājot tajā vērtīgo mitrumu.</p><p><br></p><p>Augu izcelsmes eļļas:</p><p><br></p><p>Avokado eļļa ~ Avokado eļļa ātri iesūcas ādā, it kā būtu tās sastāvdaļa, palīdzot atjaunot novecošanas un kaitīgā piesārņojuma rezultātā zaudēto mīkstumu un elastīgumu.</p><p><br></p><p>Olīveļļa ~ Dabisks vitamīna E, polifenolu un fitosterolu avots, visi no kuriem teicami sargā un atjauno ādu.</p><p><br></p><p>Verbēna ~ Antioksidants, kas pazīstams ar savām nomierinošajām īpašībām.</p><p><br></p><p>Medus ~ ĪSTAIS medus ir teju vai brīnums ādai - to izmanto ārsti, lai atjauninātu un aizsargātu to pacientu ādu, kuri cieš no dažādām problēmām.</p><div><br></div> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Sejas ādas kopšana/Papildus sejas ādas kopšana/Maskas 30 For women, For men