MIZON AHA 8% Peeling serum, 50 ml
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MIZON AHA 8% Peeling serum, 50 ml

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29.99 €
Expiration date: 2026-09-06
Peeling serum is based on alpha hydroxy acid, AHA 8%.
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Important information
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

Peeling serum is based on alpha hydroxy acid, AHA 8%. The product delicately acts on the upper layer of the epidermis, removes dead skin cells, promotes the skin exfoliation process and improves the skin regeneration process. The serum creates a protective barrier on the skin that protects it from moisture loss. AHA molecules-acids that activate the skin exchange process, regulate the hydrolipid balance of the skin, control sebum production. As a result, the skin becomes fresh, smooth and elastic when using the serum. The micro-relief of the skin is evened out. The delicate serum stimulates the skin cell exchange process, brightens it and reduces pigmentation. Serum improves skin tone, reduces premature skin aging. The serum enhances the effect of other care products, allowing them to be absorbed into the deeper layers of the skin. Regular use of the serum restores the beauty and radiance of the skin. The serum is not recommended for skin damage. Avoid using the product on the skin around the eyes.

Active components: AHA 8%, castor oil, panthenol, allantoin, extracts (wormwood, arnica, papaya, yarrow and aloe extract)

10120564 MIZON AHA 8% Peeling serums, 50 ml https://e-menessaptieka.lv/en/p/mizon-aha-8-peeling-serum-50-ml-10120564 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/4d/bb/4e9188d87dc71ca0ac216bf7cc3e.png InStock 29.99 EUR MIZON 29.99 <p>Pīlinga serums ir uz alfa hidroksilskābes bāzes, AHA 8%. Līdzeklis delikāti darbojas uz augšējo epidermas slāni, noņem atmirušās ādas šūnas, veicina ādas lobīšanās procesu un uzlabo ādas atjaunošanās procesu. Serums izveido uz ādas aizsargbarjeru, kas aizsargā to no mitruma zuduma. AHA molekulas-skābes, kas aktivizē ādas apmaiņas procesu, regulē ādas hidrolipīdu balansu, kontrolē sebuma ražošanās darbību. Rezultātā serumu lietojot āda kļūst svaiga, gluda un elastīga. Izlīdzinās ādas mikro reljefs. Delikātais serums stimulē ādas šūnas apmaiņas procesu, padara to gaišāku un mazina pigmentāciju. Serums uzlabo ādas toni, samazina priekšlaicīgu ādas novecošanos. Serums pastiprina citu kopjošo produktu iedarbību, ļaujot tiem iesūkties dziļākos ādas slāņos. Regulāra seruma lietošana atgriež ādas skaistumu un mirdzumu. Serumu nav ieteicams lietot, ja ir ādas bojājumi. Izvairieties no līdzekļa lietošanas ādai ap acīm.</p> <p>Aktīvie kompunenti: AHA 8%, rīcineļļa, pantenols, alantoīns, ekstrakti (vērmeles, arnikas, papaijas, pelašķu un alvejas ekstrakts)</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Sejas ādas kopšana/Papildus sejas ādas kopšana/Serumi 0 For women, For men