MIZON Phyto Plump Collagen tonic, 150 ml
5.0 5 (3 reviews)

MIZON Phyto Plump Collagen tonic, 150 ml

5.0 5 (3 reviews)
28.99 €
Expiration date: 2025-12-27
Mizon Phyto Plump Collogene Toner Intensively moisturizing anti-age facial tonic with plant-based collagen and kelp complex.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

Mizon Phyto Plump Collogene Toner Intensively moisturizing anti-age facial tonic with plant-based collagen and kelp complex. 100% vegan. Dermatologically tested. Does not contain fragrances, dyes and other harmful ingredients. Hypoallergenic toner with a light texture deeply moisturizes, strengthens and tones the skin. The toner is quickly absorbed into the skin without creating a sticky top layer. The Phyto Plump line contains 3 collagens of the latest plant kingdom, obtained from trumella saccharides (white mushrooms). Collagen strengthens the skin, makes it smooth and firm.

1144431 MIZON Phyto Plump Collagen toniks, 150 ml https://e-menessaptieka.lv/en/p/mizon-phyto-plump-collagen-tonic-150-ml-1144431 https://images.e-menessaptieka.lv/unsafe/fit-in/588x588/1e/de/65ecdf0883f5cd85f94315581516.png InStock 28.99 EUR MIZON 28.99 <p>Mizon Phyto Plump Collogene Toner Intensīvi mitrinošs pretnovecošanās sejas toniks ar augu valsts kologēnu un brūnaļģu kompleksu.. 100 % vegāns. Dermotoloģiski testēts. Nesatur smaržvielas, krāstvielas un citas kaitīgas sastāvdaļas. Hipoalerģisks toneris ar vieglu tekstūru dziļi mitrina, nostiprina un tonizē ādu. Toners ātri iesūcas ādā neradot lipīgu virskārtu. Phyto Plump līnija satur 3. paaudzes jaunākos augu valsts kologēnus, kas iegūti no trumella saharīdiem (baltās sēnes). Kologēns nostiprina ādu, padara to gludu un stingru. </p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Sejas ādas kopšana/Attīrīšana un tonizēšana 0 For women, For men