MOONY Airfit M (6-12 kg) nappy pants, 52 pcs.
5.0 5 (4 reviews)

MOONY Airfit M (6-12 kg) nappy pants, 52 pcs.

5.0 5 (4 reviews)
Regular price: 29.99 €
20.99 €
29.99 €
Expiration date: 2026-04-30
Diaper-pants are designed for beginners.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

Diaper-pants are designed for beginners.
They look like regular underpants, they are easy to put on and take off, which is especially important for children taking their first steps.
Natural. Diapers are made of natural cotton or eucalyptus cellulose fiber.
Protective. The double protective folds of the diaper, without pressing the baby's legs, gently fit and prevent leaks. The absorbent layer of diapers is wide enough and is specially designed for active children who are starting to walk.
Has a moisture indicator - these are special three strips that, changing color from yellow to blue, warn that the diapers are full and it's time to change them.
Breathing. The fluffy embossed surface of the diapers allows air to circulate, and excess moisture and heat evaporates through the micropores in the outer layer. The baby's bottom remains dry.
Elastic waist. The special waist elastic prevents diapers from shifting and leaking.

1145478 MOONY Airfit M (6-12 kg) biksītes, 52 gab. InStock 20.99 EUR MOONY 29.99 <p>Japānas autiņbiksītes-biksītes Moony PM Sitagi paredzētas mazuļiem svarā no 6 līdz 12 kg, kas jau spēruši savus pirmos solīšus. Autiņbiksīšu-biksīšu uzbūve ļoti līdzinās parastajām bērnu biksītēm. Tās ir hipoalerģiskas, gaisu caurlaidīgas, kas ļauj mazuļa ādai elpot, aizsargā pret kairinājumiem nodrošinot mazulim brīvas kustības un optimālu komfortu. Īpašs materiāls, kas neitralizē nepatīkamo smaku. Autiņbiksītes paredzētas ļoti aktīviem mazuļiem, tās ir viegli nomainīt pat mazulim kustoties. Mitruma indikators ļaus noteikt, kad pienācis laiks nomainīt autiņbiksītes.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Māmiņām un bērniem/Preces bērnam/Autiņbiksītes 30 For men