MOONY Airfit XL (12-22kg) for boys nappy pants, 38 pcs.
5.0 5 (1 review)

MOONY Airfit XL (12-22kg) for boys nappy pants, 38 pcs.

5.0 5 (1 review)
30.99 €
Expiration date: 2027-07-18
Lovely Japanese diapers - Moony PBL Boy panties for boys weighing from 12 to 22 kg.
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Important information
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

Gender: For boys
Number of parts: 38
Age: 12+ months
Weight: 12-22 kg
Country of origin: Japan
Brand: MOONY
About the product
Moony Unicharm manufacturers used the best and most innovative technologies, the highest quality materials to make diapers extremely soft, thin and perfectly absorbent.

Almost every mother deals with diaper rash or other skin irritations caused by diapers. This requires additional skin care, the baby becomes restless from irritation, and sleeps worse. Ideal diapers should be perfectly absorbent, not causing allergic reactions, made of natural materials, not restricting the baby's movement in the first days of his life. Moony diapers meet all these needs. They are made only from natural materials - an extremely soft layer of cotton or eucalyptus cellulose, so they do not cause any skin irritations or allergic reactions. Special technologies allow the skin to breathe and ALWAYS remain dry. The gel inside the diapers does not become heavy even after using the diapers for a long time. The inner layer of diapers is enriched with vitamin E, which additionally protects the baby's skin.
Diapers are anatomically adapted for each age and weight group, taking into account the specifics of movement of babies of this size. The elastic of the diapers does not compress the baby's tummy, so it can feel cozy and comfortable.

Unique composition: light, thin, breathable, non-allergenic. Ideal for sleeping, long walks, trips.
The indicator shows when it's time to change diapers - some diaper models carefully inform the mother that it's time to change diapers.
Anatomical shapes - do not restrict the baby's movements. Diapers do not press on the baby's tummy or legs. The special rubber prevents diapers from shifting and leaking, and absorbs perfectly.
Diapers for boys have a more absorbent front area.
Made from natural cotton or eucalyptus cellulose fibers.
Made in Japan based on years of experience.

1145481 MOONY Airfit XL (12-22kg) zēniem biksītes, 38 gab. InStock 30.99 EUR MOONY 30.99 <p>Moony autiņbiksītes ir izgatavotas tikai no dabīgiem materiāliem - īpaši mīksta kokvilnas vai eikalipta celulozes slāņa, tāpēc neizraisa nekādus ādas kairinājumus vai alerģiskas reakcijas. Īpašas tehnoloģijas ļauj ādai elpot un vienmēr palikt sausai. Gēls autiņbiksīšu iekšpusē nekļūst smags pat pēc ilgstošas ​​autiņbiksīšu lietošanas. Autiņbiksīšu iekšējais slānis ir bagātināts ar E vitamīnu, kas papildus aizsargā mazuļa ādu.<br />Produkta īpašības: <br />Autiņbiksītes ir anatomiski pielāgotas katrai vecuma un svara grupai, ņemot vērā šāda izmēra mazuļu kustību īpatnības. Autiņbiksīšu gumija nesaspiež mazuļa vēderiņu, tāpēc var justies ērti un ērti.<br />Unikāls sastāvs: viegls, plāns, elpojošs, nav alerģisks. Ideāli piemērots gulēšanai, garām pastaigām, ceļojumiem.<br />Indikators parāda, kad pienācis laiks mainīt autiņbiksītes – daži autiņbiksīšu modeļi rūpīgi informē mammu, ka pienācis laiks mainīt autiņbiksītes.<br />Anatomiskā forma - neierobežo mazuļa kustības. Autiņbiksītes nespiež mazuļa vēderu vai kājiņas. Speciāla gumija novērš autiņbiksīšu slīdēšanu un noplūdi, ideāli uzsūcot.<br />Zēnu autiņbiksītēm ir labāk absorbējoša priekšējā daļa.<br />Izgatavots no dabīgas kokvilnas vai eikalipta celulozes šķiedrām.<br />Ražots Japānā, pamatojoties uz daudzu gadu pieredzi.<br />Iepakojumā ir 38 gabali.<br />Izmērs XL (12-22 kg).</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Māmiņām un bērniem/Preces bērnam/Autiņbiksītes 0 For men