NATURA SIBERICA Lab Biome 24k Gold Rejuvenating eye patches, 60 pcs.
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NATURA SIBERICA Lab Biome 24k Gold Rejuvenating eye patches, 60 pcs.

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16.99 €
Expiration date: 2027-12-30
Polypeptide SYN®- COLL - stimulates natural collagen synthesis in skin cells, helps to smooth wrinkles, and keep skin looking younger. 24 K gold - possesses a unique feature – it improves the absorption of active components into the skin while enhancing their effect.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
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Polypeptide SYN®- COLL - stimulates natural collagen synthesis in skin cells, helps to smooth wrinkles, and keep skin looking younger.

24 K gold - possesses a unique feature – it improves the absorption of active components into the skin while enhancing their effect.


Unique postbiotic active, fermented northern cloudberry and wild raspberry extracts help support skin’s microbiome. They increase skin’s resistance to the effects of an urban lifestyle, enhance skin’s radiance and regeneration, while maintaining healthy skin and helping to keep natural youthful looks.

1149145 NATURA SIBERICA Lab Biome 24k Gold Rejuvenating acu spilventiņi, 60 gab. InStock 16.99 EUR NATURA SIBERICA 16.99 <p>Polipeptīds SYN®- COLL - stimulē dabiskā kolagēna sintēzi ādas šūnās, palīdz izlīdzināt grumbas un saglabāt ādas jaunību.</p><p>24 K zelts - tam piemīt unikāla īpašība - tas uzlabo aktīvo sastāvdaļu uzsūkšanos ādā, vienlaikus pastiprinot to iedarbību.</p><p>BIOME BASE</p><p>Unikāli postbiotiski aktīvie, fermentētie ziemeļu lāceņu un savvaļas aveņu ekstrakti palīdz uzturēt ādas mikrobiomu. Tie palielina ādas noturību pret pilsētnieciska dzīvesveida ietekmi, uzlabo ādas mirdzumu un reģenerāciju, vienlaikus saglabājot veselīgu ādu un palīdzot saglabāt dabisku jaunības izskatu.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Sejas ādas kopšana/Ādas kopšana ap acīm 0 For women, For men