NEW NORDIC Green Oil capsules, 120 pcs.

NEW NORDIC Green Oil capsules, 120 pcs.

29.69 €
Expiration date: 2026-12-31
Green Oil is a plant-based natural fatty acid complex derived from flaxseed, rapeseed and evening primrose.
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Food supplement!
Food supplement! A food supplement is not a substitute for a balanced healthy diet.
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Green Oil is a complex of natural plant fatty acids obtained from flax seeds, rapeseed and evening primrose. These vegetable oils are obtained by cold pressing, so the biologically active substances remain unchanged. It contains fatty acids Omega 3, 6, 9, which are important for the body. One of them, ALFA linolenic acid (ALS), helps maintain normal blood cholesterol levels when consuming 2 grams of ALS per day. Green Oil is a perfectly balanced complex of Omega 3, 6 and 9 vegetable fatty acids for the whole family, also suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Moreover, Green Oil does not have a specific fishy taste and smell!

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1076685 NEW NORDIC Green Oil kapsulas, 120 gab. InStock 29.69 EUR NEW NORDIC 29.69 <p style="text-align:justify;">Green Oil – tas ir augu izcelsmes dabīgo taukskābju komplekss, kuru iegūst no linsēklām, rapšu un naktssveces sēklām. Šo augu eļļas tiek iegūtas ar aukstā spieduma metodi, tādēļ bioloģiski aktīvās vielas tajās saglabājas nepārveidotas. Tajā ir organismam svarīgās Omega 3, 6, 9 taukskābes. Viena no tām – ALFA linolēnskābe (ALS) – palīdz uzturēt normālu holesterīna koncentrāciju asinīs, ja diennaktī patērēti 2 grami ALS. „Green Oil” – tas ir lieliski līdzsvarots augu izcelsmes Omega 3, 6 un 9 taukskābju komplekss visai ģimenei, piemērots arī veģetāriešiem un vegāniem. Turklāt „Green Oil” nepiemīt specifiskā zivju garša un smarža!</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Vitamīni un minerālvielas/Vitamīni/Zivju eļļa 0 For men