NORDICS Kids with strawberry flavor toothpaste, 50 ml
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NORDICS Kids with strawberry flavor toothpaste, 50 ml

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2.98 €
Expiration date: 2027-06-30
"Nordics" toothpaste with strawberry flavor is suitable for children from the first teeth.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

"Nordics" toothpaste with strawberry flavor is suitable for children from the first teeth. The active ingredients xylitol and calcium lactate strengthen children's teeth and can help protect them from caries, while probiotics help maintain the balance of the oral microbiome, protect against harmful bacteria, soothe and strengthen the gums.

Without fluoride. Does not contain sugar, SLS, PEG, titanium dioxide, preservatives.

1143353 NORDICS Bērnu ar zemeņu garšu zobu pasta, 50 ml InStock 2.98 EUR NORDICS 4.59 <p>„Nordics“ zobu pasta ar zemeņu garšu ir piemērota bērniem no pirmajiem zobiņiem. Aktīvās sastāvdaļas ksilīts un kalcija laktāts stiprina bērnu zobus un var palīdzēt pasargāt tos no kariesa, savukārt probiotikas palīdz uzturēt mutes mikrobioma līdzsvaru, aizsargā pret kaitīgām baktērijām, nomierina un stiprina smaganas.<br /><br />Bez fluorīda. Nesatur cukuru, SLS, PEG, titāna dioksīdu, konservantus.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Mutes dobuma higiēna/Mutes higiēna bērniem/Zobu pastas 35 For men