NOREVA Xerodiane AP+ Relipidant body balm, 200 ml
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NOREVA Xerodiane AP+ Relipidant body balm, 200 ml

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19.19 €
Expiration date: 2027-05-30
Xerodiane® AP+ lipid-replenishing nourishing balm is a state-of-the-art, hypoallergenic treatment specifically formulated for sensitive, dry, very dry and itchy skin types. Thanks to its rich and melting texture, only one application per day is sufficient for fragile skin to regain optimum comfort and lasting soothing for 24 hours.
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Xerodiane® AP+ lipid-replenishing nourishing balm is a state-of-the-art, hypoallergenic treatment specifically formulated for sensitive, dry, very dry and itchy skin types. Thanks to its rich and melting texture, only one application per day is sufficient for fragile skin to regain optimum comfort and lasting soothing for 24 hours. Its exclusive formula, which combines high tolerance and performance, contains two patented complexes, Phytosphingosine / Vitamin PP and Hyaluronic Acid – Silver Ions, which act on lipid synthesis, promote soothing and rebalance the microbiome. From the first application, Xerodiane® AP+ Lipid Replenishing Balm nourishes, hydrates, soothes and repairs irritation. The formula is enriched with PhysioFILAG, an active ingredient that helps compensate for filaggrin deficiency, a problem associated with dry to very dry skin. In addition, the Ω3 and Ω6 re-establish the protective hydrolipidic film.

1149820 NOREVA Xerodiane AP+ Relipidant ķermeņa balzams, 200 ml InStock 19.19 EUR NOREVA 31.99 <p><span data-sheets-root="1" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 11pt; font-family: Calibri, Arial; text-align: center;">Xerodiane® AP+ lipīdu līmeni papildinošais barojošais balzams ir mūsdienīgs, hipoalerģisks līdzeklis, kas īpaši izstrādāts jutīgai, sausai, ļoti sausai un niezošai ādai. Pateicoties tā bagātīgajai un kūstošajai tekstūrai, pietiek tikai ar vienu lietošanas reizi dienā, lai trauslā āda atgūtu optimālu komfortu un noturīgu nomierinošu sajūtu 24 stundas. Ekskluzīvā formula, kas apvieno augstu toleranci un veiktspēju, satur divus patentētus kompleksus, fitosfingozīnu/vitamīnu PP un hialuronskābi – sudraba jonus, kas iedarbojas uz lipīdu sintēzi, nomierina ādu un līdzsvaro mikrobiomu. Jau no pirmās lietošanas reizes Xerodiane® AP+ Lipid Replenishing Balm baro, mitrina, nomierina un mazina kairinājumu. Formula ir bagātināta ar PhysioFILAG, aktīvo sastāvdaļu, kas palīdz kompensēt filagrīna deficītu, problēmu, kas saistīta ar sausu vai ļoti sausu ādu. Turklāt Ω3 un Ω6 atjauno aizsargājošo hidrolipīdu plēvi.</span><br></p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Ķermeņa ādas kopšana/Dermatoloģiskie līdzekļi 40 For women, For men