NOUGHTY Intensive Care Leave-in conditioner, 150 ml
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NOUGHTY Intensive Care Leave-in conditioner, 150 ml

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Regular price: 11.39 €
7.97 €
11.39 €
Expiration date: 2027-11-30
Banish damaged hair and split ends, to leave locks stronger for longer, with this ultra-hydrating leave-in conditioner.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

Banish damaged hair and split ends, to leave locks stronger for longer, with this ultra-hydrating leave-in conditioner. The 97% natural, super-quenching blend includes sweet almond extract and argan oil, to even out hair’s moisture levels and increase elasticity, helping protect and strengthen.

Carefully curated natural ingredients assist in trapping moisture in the hair shaft, helping to reduce dryness, damage and breakage. The plant power in Intensive Care includes:

A powerful antioxidant that protects hair from environmental stressors, aka the bane of our mane’s lives! We use natural source where possible as it’s twice as effective as the synthetic equivalent = more protection for the same amount of vitamin.

A gem sourced responsibly from Essaouira, Morocco, is nan oil rich in vitamin E that helps to increase elasticity.

A body temperature melting point that helps us create luxurious textures while benefiting the hair’s condition.

123451 NOUGHTY Intensive Care Leave-in matu kondicionieris, 150 ml InStock 7.97 EUR NOUGHTY 11.39 <p>Atbrīvojieties no bojātiem matiem un šķeltiem galiem, lai iegūtu ilgstošas ​​spēcīgas cirtas, izmantojot šo īpaši mitrinošo, neizskalojamo kondicionieri. 97% dabīgs, īpaši nomierinošs maisījums ar saldo mandeļu ekstraktu un argana eļļu, lai izlīdzinātu matu mitruma līmeni un palielinātu elastību, vienlaikus aizsargājot un nostiprinot matus.</p> <p>Kondicioniera sastāvā ir:</p> <p>E VITAMĪNS<br />Spēcīgs antioksidants, kas aizsargā matus no vides stresa - tas ir mūsu matu posts! Ja iespējams, mēs izmantojam dabisku avotu, jo tas ir divreiz efektīvāks par sintētisko ekvivalentu = lielāka aizsardzība tādam pašam vitamīna daudzumam.</p> <p>ARGĀNA EĻĻA<br />Atbildīgi iegūta no Essaouiras, Marokas, dārgakmens - nanoeļļa, kas bagāta ar E vitamīnu, kas palīdz palielināt matu elastību.</p> <p>ŠĪ SVIESTS<br />Palīdz mums radīt greznas tekstūras, vienlaikus uzlabojot matu stāvokli.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Matu kopšana/Kondicionieri 30 For women, For men