NOUGHTY To The Rescue hair serum, 75 ml
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NOUGHTY To The Rescue hair serum, 75 ml

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Regular price: 13.79 €
Expiration date: 2027-12-30
Create a super sleek finish and protect hair from heat, with this nourishing, moisture-boosting styling serum.
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The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies

Create a super sleek finish and protect hair from heat, with this nourishing, moisture-boosting styling serum. Provides heat protection up to 220C, shielding hair from heat damage whilst amping up the shine for a sleek, polished finish. Powered by a super-quenching blend of 97% natural ingredients, including sweet almond extract and argan oil. It's your knight in shining armour.

Carefully curated natural ingredients assist in trapping moisture in the hair shaft, helping to reduce dryness, damage and breakage. The plant power in the serum includes:

A triple threat of soy, corn and wheat proteins work together to strengthen hair, helping it hang onto more moisture and be less porous.

Splits and snaps beware. This wonder ingredient improves comb-ability and adds gloss to lifeless locks.

Great at breakfast, miraculous for the hair. Contains natural enzymes that help to protect from heat and increase hair’s elasticity for weird but wonderful natural heat protection.

Rich in vitamin E, essential fatty acids support the hair's condition and tackle flyaways.

123450 NOUGHTY To The Rescue serums matiem, 75 ml OutOfStock 9.65 EUR NOUGHTY 13.79 <p>Šis barojošais, mitrinošais veidošanas serums piešķir matiem īpaši gludu izskatu, vienlaikus pasargājot tos no karstuma. Nodrošina termisko aizsardzību līdz 220°C, aizsargājot matus no karstuma bojājumiem un uzlabojot spīdumu. Izstrādāts ar īpaši nomierinošu 97% dabīgu sastāvdaļu maisījumu, tostarp saldo mandeļu ekstraktu un argana eļļu. </p> <p>Seruma sastāvā ietilpst:</p> <p>PROTEĪNI<br />Trīskāršie sojas, kukurūzas un kviešu proteīni darbojas kopā, lai stiprinātu matus, palīdzot tiem saglabāt vairāk mitruma un būt mazāk porainiem.</p> <p>KVIEŠU KLIJU EKSTRAKTS<br />Šī brīnumviela uzlabo ķemmējamību un piešķir nedzīvām šķipsnām spīdumu.</p> <p>SĒŅU EKSTRAKTS<br />Satur dabiskos enzīmus, kas aizsargā pret karstumu un palielina matu elastību, nodrošinot lielisku dabisko aizsardzību pret karstumu.</p> <p>ARGĀNA EĻĻA<br />Ar E vitamīnu bagātās neaizstājamās taukskābes uztur matu stāvokli un mazina pūkošanos.</p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Matu kopšana/Serumi, losjoni un matu eļļas 30 For women, For men