NUXE Crème Prodigieuse Boost Night recovery oil balm, 50 ml
4.8 4.8 (4 reviews)

NUXE Crème Prodigieuse Boost Night recovery oil balm, 50 ml

4.8 4.8 (4 reviews)
46.99 €
Expiration date: 2027-11-30
Regenerating oil night balm for all skin types.
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Important information
The appearance of the product may differ from the one shown in the photo. Attention! Before using the product, please check the ingredients on the packaging. The most accurate and up-to-date list of ingredients can be found on the product packaging.
Product prices can vary in pharmacies
  • balm for the face, neck and neckline nourishes and restores natural elasticity,
  • the Creme Prodigieuse® Boost line has been enriched with a jasmine complex with antioxidant properties,
  • Creme Prodigieuse® Boost products reduce the visibility of the first signs of skin aging,
  • the iconic French brand NUXE is a combination of naturalness, effectiveness and pleasure of use,
  • an ethical brand that aims to nurture the natural beauty of every woman

You are familiar with stress and fatigue, and you are still wondering what is a proven method for wrinkles? Meet NUXE's Creme Prodigieuse® Boost Night Balm, which regenerates the skin during sleep, gives it a healthy glow, improves its elasticity and brings refreshment.

Regenerating lotion from the Crème Prodigieuse Boost line is rich in antioxidants that slow down the aging process of the skin and stimulate its cells to function. Jasmine flower, calendula flower and cellular sugar nourish the skin and eliminate undesirable effects of external and internal factors. The fig opuntia extract provides an additional dose of nutrition that is needed for the skin that is exposed to contaminated, city air. Creme Prodigieuse® Boost face cosmetics are a new generation of products based on natural ingredients - as much as 93.2% of the ingredients of the night cream are of natural origin, and the balm formula does not disturb the natural balance of the skin microbiome.

1195661 NUXE Crème Prodigieuse Boost Night recovery eļļas balzams, 50 ml InStock 46.99 EUR NUXE 46.99 <ul><li>balzams sejas, kakla un dekoltē ādai baro un atjauno dabisko elastību;</li> <li>“Creme Prodigieuse® Boost” līnijas produkti ir bagātināti ar jasmīna kompleksu, kam piemīt antioksidanta īpašības;</li> <li>“Creme Prodigieuse® Boost” produkti padara nemanāmākas pirmās ādas novecošanās pazīmes;</li> <li>pazīstamais franču zīmols “NUXE” apvieno dabiskumu, efektivitāti un baudu lietot;</li> <li>ētisks zīmols, kura mērķis ir vairot ikvienas sievietes dabisko skaistumu.</li> </ul><p>Jums ir pazīstams stress un nogurums, un jūs joprojām prātojat par to, vai ir kāda pierādīta metode cīņā ar grumbām? Iepazīstiet “NUXE” “Creme Prodigieuse® Boost Night Balm” nakts balzamu, kas atjauno ādu miega laikā, piešķir tai veselīgu starojumu, uzlabo elastību un atsvaidzina. <br /><br />“Crème Prodigieuse Boost” līnijas atjaunojošais losjons satur daudz antioksidantu, kas palēnina ādas novecošanās procesu un stimulē šūnu darbību. Jasmīna ziedi, kliņģerīšu ziedi un šūnu cukurs baro ādu un mazina nevēlamo ārējo un iekšējo faktoru iedarbību. Opuncijas ekstrakts sniedz piesārņotā pilsētas gaisa nogurdinātajai ādai papildu nepieciešamo barības vielu devu. “Creme Prodigieuse® Boost” kosmētika sejai ir jauna produktu paaudze, kuras pamatā ir dabīgas izejvielas – līdz 93,2 % nakts krēma sastāvdaļu ir dabīga izcelsme, turklāt šī balzama sastāvs neizjauc ādas mikrobioma dabisko līdzsvaru.<br /><br /></p> Menessaptieka/Visas preces/Skaistumam/Sejas ādas kopšana/Sejas krēmi 0 For women